
joined 9 months ago

They are the change we want to see in the world

[–] 9 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Proton’s got a whole suite including mail.

It’s been getting prettier and better. Encourage those with disposable income to give them a little money (for some bells and whistles) - privacy, good-for-tech/world, & vibes are all there.

I feel dumb using Google Maps and seeing all the ads. Should’ve known from day one that was the game plan.

Pray Apple keeps their hardware sales up.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Drive mode = turn by turn, like the regular get directions and tap to begin navigation?

[–] 14 points 1 day ago

audio would just FULLY stop working, loud speaker as well.

Skill issue

You have a visualizer, use your imagination for once come on

Good example of why summaries and screenshots are important

Think of the poopers


I got better! Stopped following closely.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago


Double TIL, 1921 origin in the home of the sideshow, how ironic. Oakland California.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

AMAZING show. Must watch for quirky quirky humor.

[–] 7 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Absolute nightmare to get that kind of stuff cleared from your reports. Were you successful?



A pamphlet from the New Mexico Beef Council that says “Learn About Beef With The Beef Kids” and shows four children in front of a barn that says “BEEF ✔️”


alt-textPost with a photo of a boxed child's potty labeled "I look & sound like a grown-up toilet.” The post states "Everyone who still uses Twitter in June 2024".


Had to search "flesh prison" after reading it on a blog



A short video still featuring a woman with blonde hair and a text overlay that reads "Things I prefer in the US as a German" with American and German flag emojis, and further states "I don't know why we don't have bagels in Germany."

Above this, the social media post caption reads "I can think of a reason!" The post is from "Vikram Bath"


Spam Communities:

Spam User:

Links Spammed:

👉🕳️👈 (
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

alt-textPost: My attention has been drawn to this packaging design from HP, which presumably someone approved.
Image: In a brown cardboard box sits a shipment inside a protecting wrapper. The wrapper is illustrated with two hands with index fingers extended, indicating that you should put your fingers in the hole in the middle of the wrapper and tear it apart.


Edit: if you’re too young (or innocent?) to immediately understand the reference, DO NOT web search


It’s graphic and you will never be able to unsee it


alt-text“a Pontiac Vibe with a huge check engine light in the back window and a cluster of bumper stickers that read: remember if you honk all you honk at me i will honk if you get any closer you have to i honk honk if you will if myself want honk if you have ever been personally victimized by honk”



You will come to London. Behold, I warn you, whatever of evil or of perversity (behavior or beliefs that are considered immoral or unnatural) there is in any, whatever in all parts of the world, you will find in that city alone. Do not go to the dances of panders (people who arrange sexual relationships for others), nor mix yourself up with the herds of the stews (brothels or houses of prostitution); avoid the talus (dice games) and the dice, the theatre and the tavern. You will find more braggadocios (boastful, arrogant people) there than in all France, while the number of flatterers (people who praise excessively to gain advantage) is infinite. Stage players (actors), buffoons (clowns or jesters), those that have no hair on their bodies (eunuchs, men who have been castrated, typically to serve in positions of trust around women or in royal households), Garamantes (a North African tribe), pickthanks (flatterers or sycophants), catamites (young boys used for homosexual purposes), effeminate sodomites (men who engage in anal sex), lewd musical girls, druggists (people who manufacture or dispense drugs), lustful persons, fortunetellers, extortioners (people who obtain money through force or threats), nightly strollers (people who wander the streets at night, possibly for criminal purposes), magicians, mimics (people who imitate the speech and mannerisms of others), common beggars, tatterdemalions (raggedly dressed people)—this whole crew has filled every house. So if you do not wish to live with the shameful, you will not dwell in London.

Source at The Internet Archive


Reuters: UK right-winger Farage doused with drink at election campaign launch


Apparently not even the first time it’s happened to him:

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