
joined 1 year ago
[–] 9 points 4 days ago

None of these chickenshit cowards will respond because they know their arguments don't hold up under the weight of reality. All they have is "b-but Kamala is doing the genocide now and Trump might not do it" when that's so obviously false it's kind of stunning. It's how you know these fucks are either Republican trolls trying to undermine Kamala's campaign because they know their candidate sucks or they're just so marinated in propaganda and theory they lack the bandwidth to actually apply basic logic to even the most obvious of situations.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

My truly white-hot take is that if I had to choose between Palestine being reduced to ash and losing me and my family's rights and Palestine being reduced to ash and me and my family not losing my rights...I'm going to take the option that involves me and my family not losing my rights lol.

And, to be frank, if I had to choose between helping a million strangers I've never met or not, with the lives of my family and friends on the line, I'd probably pick my family and friends over the strangers, regardless of the issue.

You can moan and cry all you want about "you are voting for genocide" or whatever - the fact is that the world is much larger than Palestine. Other things are at stake here. How the fuck are all those Palestinians (who are still going to be bombed by the Republicans btw) going to deal with climate change as its effects worsen when a Republican administration takes power in the US and rolls back all our climate protections and attempts to mitigate climate change? The global poor are FUCKED if we don't handle that shit as best we can ASAP. Full stop.

I'm personally not interested in fucking over every other person on the planet for Palestine. Is the genocide horrible? Yes. Should it be stopped immediately? Yes. Do I want it to stop? Also, yes. But can I in good conscience actively utilize my vote to wring my hands over genocide and allow an even worse scenario to play out? Fuck no.

There are more things at stake here than just Palestine. Shit sucks, but that's the world we live in and there won't be magical change just because you wring your hands and screech on the internet about how random people are "supporting a genocide by voting for Kamala" when any person with half a brain can see that the Republican party has acted the same way in the past and will actively accelerate it when given the chance (remember when Trump pissed everyone off by moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, effectively recognizing the stolen land there?). Grow the fuck up and see that the world isn't so simple - sometimes there are no good options, only mildly less shitty ones.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

There's a tamper-proof seal on the bottle

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Lol ok whatever you say. Enjoy the consequences of letting the uneducated run things

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

And, pray tell, what library or school has pornography in it that is easily accessible to minors?

Furthermore, having lived my entire life around educators and now working for an educational institution: parents are fucking stupid lol

The sheer numbers of videos of parents bitching and crying at school meetings or libraries about "X book is pornographic" or "this book has witchcraft and should be burned" is absurd. Those mouth breathers don't even know how to critically examine a fucking facebook post for bullshit, let alone comprehend the difficulty in teaching children.

Don't like your kid learning about how Trans people exist? Go fuck yourself and homeschool your kid so they can be permanently stunted in terms of preparation for the real world. Let the vast majority of regular people make sure their kids grow up socially aware and at least passingly prepared for the future.

Also, "this will be the law?" Have you seen the flailing Republican party? Guess what fucker - the average American thinks project 2025 is batshit and the republican party got hijacked by a manchild and ruined their stupid plans. It's only downhill from here now that they went mask off - most people think they're nuts.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (5 children)

What a weird thing to say

[–] 11 points 2 months ago (7 children)

Usually, they are used to burn books :/

[–] 6 points 2 months ago

New Madrid fault line babyyy

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

The effort/cost expended to go after a tiny group of people vs the amount of money generated/saved from stopping them was (and probably still is) not worth it. There just aren't that many people who use 3rd party services without accounts.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

There is still a footprint of "person is watching X, then they go to Y" with or without an account by my understanding.

Its less valuable data, sure, but it all feeds thr algorithm

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Again, the point is that those accounts are still users that can be pointed out as such for all to see. Remember: a youtube account is just a Google account.

One could argue that youtube is a highly effective loss leader - people get into the Google ecosystem because of making an account to subscribe to their favorite content creators. Now Google has data they can sell, and metrics for advertisers to go "I see 18-30 year old white guys who watch things about X are likely to respond positively to things about Y." The algorithm, even without advertisements, is constantly building a profile of every user.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (6 children)

It still goes to active user counts though. There will still be a footprint left by any view and that can be marketed as "we have X million users daily!"

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