Don’t forget that mountain.
Couldn’t resist. In a more standard form this molecule should (I believe—chemistry has been a long time ago) look like this:
Made with MolView –
People knowledgeable in chemistry, please correct!
You don’t need ADD to like the clickety sound and feeling.
I would take the validity of this excerpt with a grain of salt
Indeed. The quote was first published in 1957 and may be heavily outdated. I cannot judge for myself, because I know next to nothing about biology, but Asimov’s astronomical essays are plain wrong by today’s knowledge.
Also keep in mind that this was written for science fiction readers. So there are necessarily simplifications that may not survive close scrutiny (again: I’m not an expert here).
You need to provide the user ID (or username) of the account you want to fetch in the query parameters.
Love the function name. When asking for help it’s always appreciated to make life for your helpers as easy as possible. For instance by linking to the offending function directly (especially when the file is so large).
~~Could you provide a link to the documentation for the endpoint you want to access? I can’t find it. My guess is that you need to fetch a specific user via ${api}/user/124356
Docs here. My guess is wrong.
God, that documentation is annoying to read. I revise my revised opinion. Try providing a user ID or a username as query parameters in your API call.
const response = await fetch(`${api}/user?person_id=123456`, {
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": `Bearer ${lemmyToken}`
Thank you!
Yeah, that is more incompetence than I am used to.
Second that.
What original source did the social media cite? Have you looked there for your answers?
Have fun, but beware of the rabbit hole that is Asimov’s life work.
(In no way complete)
A few years ago a German satire magazine made fun of news stations reporting exactly that: Wintereinbruch im Winter by extra3.