Hello there, most people
Absolutely! With half decent very affordable headphones and my middle aged hearing it is possible to tell MP3 from FLAC pretty accurately.
CDs more closely represent the original music than vinyl though and are physical media you can collect.
7 more days where I may, or may not die. It's going to be thrilling to find out which way it goes.
But people who worked hard in peace and human rights are terrible rally drivers.
When the Dr says wait 72 hours before drinking alcohol after taking the anti biotics give it a week at least, it's just not worth it.
Oh sure. It's a 1 step process: 1) get good.
Then off to the Olympics for you.
fortune | cowsay -n -f $(ls -1 /usr/share/cowsay/cows | shuf | head -n 1) | lolcat -f | aha --black
But people pay a fortune on branded headphones that sound bad. Put the same or less money in to good sounding gear.
Sebastian Loeb. 9 time consecutive WRC champion. Probably the best driver of all time, not just best WRC driver.
My website says hello
"Authentic vibe" is a coping mechanism to justify spending more for less.