CIG may gift us an API
So say we all =)
CIG may gift us an API
So say we all =)
Goes well with the carpet :D
Watt the…
Yesterday I attached the display and built a temporary stand. First time it stood on it's own. Some tight corners there that will be a mess to wire up later but I'll manage. I still can't believe that this long cooking project is finally taking shape :D
Have some updated pictures attached.
Any good quick start recommendations on FreeCAD?
I'm totally lost in this. It helped somewhat when I found a control schema for Blender but that's it.
Mine is really down. Poking that server a lot recently xD
I'm kinda old school so I enjoy my news via RSS feed when possible. Sadly CIG broke that years ago and never bothered to fix it (just like everything else 🤪).
Anyway, a hero stepped in and made this:
Minecraft is excellent to get kids interested in computer. Not just the software part. See a short demo of Minecraft with a dedicated DIY controller: (I couldn't embed the video here).
Why yes it's a SAS drive. You can find that in some NAS models for home use too. Otherwise this is usually server land.
The thing with HBAs is that you usually only get virtual disks on the system side because the controller masks the real disks. This is not really needed any more since modern filesystems can do RAID functionality too - and even better and faster - but that does require direct access to the drive.
Many controllers can be patched though or come with a pass through (JBOD) mode out of the box, which allows you to use that kind of drive directly again. Such drives can be obtained used for cheap too so this may be a feasible option to extend the possible amount of drives for a desktop computer at home too a lot. Most controllers support 4-8 devices.
Oh btw that'd also be the point where I'd pour money into this. That's my sweet spot xD