Sounds like Markdown went Markunder on your Lemmy client? 🤔 Try the source of this post maybe:
Space Pew Pew is more a category ;-)
Sounds like Markdown went Markunder on your Lemmy client? 🤔 Try the source of this post maybe:
Space Pew Pew is more a category ;-)
And there are a few other input options that aren’t seen much any more:
I raise the bar. Using a DIY 5.- EUR head tracker in NMS mapped to a virtual gamepad and my X52 Pro joystick mapped to another virtual gamepad and some keyboard keys just because (Why waste a perfectly fine HOTAS system just because the game is too stupid to support this?) :D
…and also KBM because this is simply more comfortable on foot.
Yes, it's complicated and it absolutely depends on the game and even… location? Like, on the couch I prefer some sort of gamepad controller too.
We met on the Mumble like 3 days ago :P
Alas yes, join the SC LUG. It's the best LUG out there [for penguins] 🤣
Plenty but mostly snippets only. Nothing cohesive for a while (3 kids don't leave much energy for YT).
There is a project website: (slow af, backyard hosted but ads and tracking free) There's also a PeerTube channel: I did make one of those dreaded YT Shorts (not going to do that again - that's just pain):
Other sources may be derived from the project website or my blog 🤓
Mission accomplished 😜
Edith says: This is mostly because I don't have any icons for X4 yet. The HUD app (written in React) can switch that on the fly but I'm really not big on the gfx side and that's also a lot of hot needle coding going on. Currently also experimenting with Rive animations that are more suited for classic MFD applications. See this [unlisted] demo snippet:
Wasting away hours with Ostriv. Alpha/ea or not. It's not stressing at all, in default even very slow and can be paused. Goes great with an audio book 👌
Alas activity slowed down a lot recently. Which is not very surprising considering the dev lives in a freakin warzone :-/
It's really "the best" I found without going down the realism route.
Spent a lof of time figuring out what I want :)
…also huge fan of the franchise since… dunno… forever I guess?
I know, late for the party. Know what else has "seamless" flying from space to surface?
This tiny FOSS game here nobody heard of before: Pioneer Space Sim
Yes it is nowhere state of the art in looks but considering it's very slow development from what's mostly a one dev show I find that a lot more impressive.
Also yay for orbital mechanics.
Hm… not available in my area but I think I found something similar. Going to build a glare shield from this :)
Wait… does Markdown not work for kbin too??