
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 7 months ago

So a few weeks back it's been officially confirmed I'm being made redundant.

I had a job interview last Friday - late stage. I'm hoping they come back with some positive news. The interview went okay. I think I did well with the Java stuff, but when I was asked about Javascript Event Loops, I was completely befuzzled.

Back at work, and we all have to act like we give a shit. Not too great, I wish I was done with the company overall.

Luckily I have another job interview next week - something to look forward too!

Overall, a pretty resounding "meh".

[–] 48 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

I think OP is trying to say:

  • There was the Reddit API catastrophe
  • That led him to lemmy/ActivityPub
  • Which gave him exposure to Linux
  • Which he used to give Linux a shot

And he seems to be having a great time with LInux

[–] 4 points 8 months ago

That cat accepted his fate with surprising calmness

[–] 17 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Fun fact, back in 2018, Tesla factories have less safety signs and signals because Elon Musk hates yellow (so no safety tape telling people where not to stand) and cannot stand the beeping noise forklifts make when they reverse.


Absolutely baffled how more people aren't killed at Tesla factories, tbh.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

OK this made me giggle like an idiot.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

I absolutely love this song. I'm glad someone else in lemmy land loves the song too!

[–] 1 points 9 months ago
[–] 11 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

It's funny. When I saw this last night, I was in such disbelief that I was watching the real trailer that I was nitpicking all the way going "Nah, this looks bad, R* wouldn't do that. That looks too good for a GTA game" etc until I double-and-triple-checked the links and went "oh".

Now I've had a few hours to digest:

  • The buildings and environments look absolutely beautiful
  • It seems to be running at 60FPS? Thank goodness
  • The characters look... waxy... I will say that black characters look absolutely phenomenal - much better than previous entries
  • This whole game sort of feels like "GTA V+", which makes sense. Unfortunately, I've overhyped myself to a level that R* could never achieve. Not really R*'s problem, but still a bummer.
  • Looking at some of the social media/news freeze frames, it seems a lot of the satire's edginess has been toned down a lot. Honestly? Thank goodness. GTA V was nauseating in how much it was trying to be a shock-jockey. However, I hope R* will still have its political leaning. Even if I don't agree with R*, it (usually) is something of substance and is usually somewhat grown up (with exception of GTA V)
  • I would bet money that GTA VI will be delayed to 2026.
  • It will be interesting to see how the writing will be now that Dan Houser has left. It seems OK so far.
  • Everyone's faces look so expressive except for the two main characters. They just look kind of robotic

EDIT: One massive thing I forgot - the marketing for this was so stupid. R* kept saying "Upcoming Grand Theft Auto title" as if it wasn't going to be called "Grand Theft Auto VI" like they called GTA5 "Grand Theft Auto V" and the one before with roman numerals. Like, for goodness sakes guys, get over yourselves. We know it's going to be called Grand Theft Auto VI.

[–] 25 points 10 months ago

RMS has been a divisive figure in the FOSS community, but I don't think anyone deserves cancer.

Hope he fights through it and comes out of the other side well and healthy.

[–] 12 points 10 months ago

It is such a shame for Matthew Perry to pass away at 54. It's a very young age, too.

[–] 9 points 10 months ago

I don't think folks realise how much effort and investment Valve has put into making Linux a viable gaming alternative for modern-ish games.

Most distributors use Windows because it is easy to install and setup for gaming. Is it perfect? No. But any vendor can pay Microsoft and get a viable OS for gaming.

Linux will need a lot of custom graphics card drivers and a lot of tweaking (think power as well as graphical features, memory, CPU etc) to get the optimum performance. Most OSes out of the box have OKish performance for gaming, which is OK for any hobbyist but would be a disaster for a consumer product.

And before Valve came along, Proton wasn't even a thing. Proton is now a thing, and the way Steam utilises it makes it effortless, but it will need a fair bit of custom args to get it working well.

Each of these things separately can be quite painful in its own right, but altogether it would be a headache for any company not well versed in Linux. Not only that, but having to provide customer support for a Linux OS would put the fear in most companies.

I would imagine most vendors would just slap Windows on their machine and be like "you know what to do with this" and let them go nuts.

[–] 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

How to tell if you are chatting with an AI chatbot

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