
joined 2 years ago

So basically I'm sat here with a server that has been running for almost a month. an html website, pleroma, and peertube. basically everything I need for content creation, but I haven't done nothing, not a post (that has any value). I don't really know how to make videos, I kinda have some ideas, I have like a script writing software that I'm in the middle of figuring out.. but.. I have no idea how this thing really works. I have a set of interests already established so that's that. how does someone start out as a video content creator?


If it were up to my opinion. the short answer is yes. if the topics/genres that I were interested in, i.e. I searched for, I clicked, gets recommended more.

For a privacy perspective it might be a bad thing depending how it was implemented, it's quite unlikely that the algorithm is is done externally, or locally on a users machine, it would likely be from the server and stored there too. unless we have something like a peertube client that could sync the preference data between devices.

either that, or we'll have to encrypt it. if we so care much about privacy. but decentralization definitely helps.

Now on the topic of addiction is a whole another discussion, it may vary for user to user. I'm not an expert in this but for me I can control what I want to do fairly well. I tend to scroll through the recommendations at leisure, when I want to look for useful information like guides, tutorials, advice on a skill i'd use the search bar, categories, or try sift through the recommendations.

a while ago I was mindlessly scrolling and quickly made aware of it, I despised the feeling and avoided doing the same thing. other might be still stuck in a loop. i'm... not sure.

the recommendations from algorithm are the ones that had "gems" aka information that would helped me tremendously that I wasn't specifically looking for and higher quality videos. It's like a double edged sword, depending on the user's intent, or.. control of their intent.

that is definitely a problem to some people, so we should give them an option to make it more adhd friendly.

I'd like to say in defense of algorithms if it were something I knew what it was doing. I'd be in favour of. it's more of a discoverability function, like what's poppin on peertube y'know? I haven't found anything good for a while, it's very rare and like mostly found on accident or via youtube. maybe it's just that we haven't seen any massive adoption here, but I don't really know, what do you think?

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

you could start your own peertube instance, jus sayin'. I don't think an instance for vtubers exists just yet.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago (3 children)

They don't accept instance follows for some weird reason, despite this hurting discoverability


I've thought about it, something about managing my time between having fun and doing work. If i did create an social environment with a set of rules that strictly focuses on developing skills, and, that is, it could be any skills as long as the community is focused.

There is one offer I heard some time ago from the lemmy org itself giving out free hosting for instances. It might be a chance for me to do so, however there is many caveats.

For one I'm pretty lazy and I don't sometimes feel like managing and moderating. But I think It's fine if I'm like that as the rules are pretty clear, (which I'll explain after).

I probably have to choose whether I should federate or not, for one people from other instance could help others or maybe it'll attract spam and unwanted, unfocused comments and post from other users.

Alright, to get the idea of what it would be like; for the description and rules:

A lemmy instance for learning.

  1. everything from
  2. You can only comment related to the topic, and if it'll be helpful
  3. You can only post discussions, you may not aggregrate links. All resources can only be added in the community description.
  4. If a person post Art or Writing or some other media, and if the person asked for criticism you may only respond of what is requested, if the person asks to recieve criticism privately, then do so.
  5. if you want to give advice and you think it'll be helpful but the person did not ask, please send them a message privately with a re:/reference in the header.
  6. You cannot make communities unrelated to learning.


  1. You cannot post anything unrelated to each corresponding community
  2. You cannot post memes, or posting for jokes. as this is a focused space.

Guidelines for starting a community:

  1. Be concise in the description, and write down the rules needed to make a good learning environment.
  2. Add learning resources for the community, you may discuss with them which is the best resources.
  3. If you want to build a community but just started studying, you may discuss it with others to find helpful members and find resources. you can search for resources through
  4. You can have fun, put up events related to the study topic. it might just help people be motivated.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

I like linux, I like coding, I like music, I like gaming, I like essays, I like writing, I like art...

if you introduce me something that is cool I will probably find it cool.

You can say I like everything that is interesting. but with a few preferences.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago

Ask yourself this first, what is your objective using these tools?; Do you want to socialize, or do you have some other objective? Or even do you think using this will help you or will it be a problem that may hinder you instead of helping you do the thing you want to do?

The dilemma you are asking for an answer is meaningless without the context of the question. Possibly one is best for one thing or the other. But I know for a fact if you tried both and understood what you want to do, you can decide it for yourself. After all it's just a matter of personal preference and the usage case.


I have a instance, with one person, which is I alone. I also don't follow any instances. Thought it might be a good idea to ask people who they follow for a suggestion.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Does it work, though?


I'm pretty happy with the theme I have now. It's personal and "proprietary software", I won't be sharing this one cool thing I have :> but, I'm sure you all can theme stuff yourself and tweak it to your liking.

a few days ago when i first started, what I did basically was a bit messy and hacky. I couldn't find the CSS classes (I didn't look close enough between the lines) so I just kind of went off and copy a lot of CSS paths and then combine the base theme and the junk i've written. that's why the previous themes aren't install-able directly through the Stylus browser addon. you had to pick the base theme from the settings.

Then I learnt a bit about bootstrap. and how it works. but it doesn't matter if you're theming lemmy. bootstrap CSS basically manages columns, divs, and such, with classes. in our case we just want to modify their shape, colors and borders.

Some classes are missing in lemmy-ui that needs to fall into place so there aren't seemingly missing elements, and generally easier to theme. i'll probably work on that in my free time. but of course, no promises. one other thing if I've done that, I wanna write a documentation on lemmy's css. I think most fediverse platforms need this (e.g. peertube) explaining the CSS. I had to figure it out which-affects-what using browser tools and it was tedious. Often times I miss some button colors that are more hidden. If I do it It's gonna take a lot of time and effort. But.. I could write it just little by little. I probably don't wanna do it alone, I'll be glad if someone wants to give me a hand. So anyway, That's the plan at least.

I'm gonna take care of my health and a lot of things I want to do, so, see you later.


asking for a friend.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

how about the lite version

[–] 3 points 2 years ago (2 children)

you should try fedilab, but i never used friendica with it though

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

i was planning on doing that, sure!


software: Stylus (firefox addon)

theme-repo: 2xx04/lemmy-ui-themes


I didn't have anywhere to post my themes. so here it is. my personal dumpster fire.


software: Stylus (firefox addon)

theme-repo: 2xx04/lemmy-ui-themes


software: Stylus (firefox addon)

theme-repo: 2xx04/lemmy-ui-themes


feel free to use the themes I made

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