
joined 11 months ago
[–] apotheotic@beehaw.org 4 points 2 hours ago

Thats hilarious, she's a national treasure

[–] apotheotic@beehaw.org 4 points 7 hours ago (4 children)
[–] apotheotic@beehaw.org 0 points 2 days ago

I'm aware, that's why I used the word, because it was the one that I meant - I have no doubt that there are people "boycotting" the show (ie, lowering the viewer count) as some sort of protest against the woke mind virus. Or I suppose, just not watching it because they can't stomach watching it because of the woke mind virus taking hold.

[–] apotheotic@beehaw.org 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I'm sure that the anti-trans (and anti-lgbtq+ for that matter) rhetoric currently spewing across the US and much of Europe has nothing to do with the poor ratings

[–] apotheotic@beehaw.org 8 points 5 days ago

Sounds like the kind of idiocy a politician would suggest for sure. I fucking hate it on this terf island.

[–] apotheotic@beehaw.org 1 points 5 days ago

I can imagine the keyboard controls sucking.

And yeah, those messages are exactly the thing that makes the vibe so cozy. You're failing again and again and the game keeps encouraging you, believing in you.

[–] apotheotic@beehaw.org 1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Oh hell yes. The game pushes you to heights you never thought you'd achieve. And its there to catch you every time you fall.

[–] apotheotic@beehaw.org 13 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Grail just linked the medium post which I already read, unfortunately. But, scrolling to the comments, I see that Grail has mentioned that Grail identifies as a divine being, a goddess. I don't think its possible for me to, at this point, understand Grail's gender identity. Out of respect for Grail I will just forego pronoun use entirely when interacting with Grail.

[–] apotheotic@beehaw.org 5 points 6 days ago

People absolutely should be mentioning in their reviews of a product that it has bad netcode, or any other positives or negatives they think are worth mentioning. People use reviews to inform their purchases of products. Victim blaming people for certain developers' inability to produce robust netcode is wild.

[–] apotheotic@beehaw.org 21 points 6 days ago (5 children)

Can Grail elaborate on why Grail uses capitalised personal pronouns? On one hand, I want to respect Grail's pronouns and am open to the fact that maybe I am simply uninformed on the topic or something to that effect. On the other hand, I am hesitant to refer to someone with capitalised personal pronouns since that has historically only been used for deities and royalty and comes with a hefty, hefty subtext of power. Can Grail elaborate?

[–] apotheotic@beehaw.org 3 points 6 days ago

It was a pipedream, but I thought for a moment this was about the royal family.


Has something happened? I made 3 posts and a few comments late yesterday and they're all gone today (but still appear on the federated instances I posted them to)


cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/7880305

This route hits

Greater: 10 (11 with meta)
Lesser:  5 max, call it 2.5 on average
Foxes:   8 max, depends if you are fast enough for 1 of them

on average this is 10*8.5 + 2.5*5 + 8*2 = 113.5 coins per day


cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/7857326

This route tags: 2 Greater Arcane Chests (7-10 coins/ea) 0-1 Lesser Arcane Chests (4-6 coins/ea) 6 Fox Chests (1-3 coins/ea)

Averaging at ~30 coins per day (17-18 if you cut out the fox chests)

Additionally, there's an extra Lesser chest you can grab on the rocky hill at the beginning.


I've noticed in my time using Beehaw, that navigation has been a bit funky


  • I scroll through my feed and find a post I want to check out, on page 3 or something.
  • I click the post and check it out, and want to go back to my feed
  • I "go back" (on mobile with the back gesture) one time
  • I have now returned to page 2, instead of page 3, of my feed

Am I missing something obvious? Is there a "close" button on opened posts that I should be using instead? Having to go back and then scroll down and go to the next page to get to my "actual" page is quite tedious

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