
joined 1 year ago

Star Trek really was overly optimistic.

Star Trek future now!

It's also what the dems are playing into by chasing the center and the voters who are on the fence to swing the top of the ticket, but don't support downticket candidates. If the dems want anything more than the white house, they need to excite their base. Trump is trying to scare her away from being a progressive by calling her "Comrade Kamala".

[–] -2 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

As in 2016, he's not appealing to the centrists. He's letting the Dems do that. Dems go center, he picks up the anti-war and anti-government side of the Dems looking for a molotov cocktail to throw at the military industrial complex. Gabbard and RFK are an attempt to ruse enough of the left that is fed up with big government and big military. Trump in 2016 won because he was a molotov cocktail while Hillary took the center. In 2020, the primaries presented a progressive alternative that excited the base. 2024, the Dems have decided to revive Hilary's strategy of camping the center, folding to the military industrial complex, and disenfranchising their base; likewise Trump is playing the anti-establishment dove. Trump won in 2016 like that. Maybe fewer people will be tricked this time after seeing what happened last time he was in office? Or that's just wishful thinking.

It doesn't matter if he scares off the center. In spite of the strong start, I see Kamala lining up to lose this election by copying Hilary's strategy of collecting the center and establishment. It gives me the jitters. Dems need to run on a progressive path forward, not joyful ignorance while they stoke the fires of war. They need a platform that excites enough voters for downballot races. They need to stand up to the problems in our systems of governing that Trump is offering to burn down which might accelerate some sort of change before we die of ecosystem collapse. Clock is ticking, and the voters may decide we need a kick in the ass if the Dems decide to cozy up to the military like in 1968.

Let them eat brioche!

Gotta pay if that kid has cancer tho.

Not if you choose the power of prayer as treatment.

The pious man's euthanasia.

Just keep waiting.

OP is obviously a man or else they would be asking how to support the pregnant wife.

[–] 14 points 1 month ago (2 children)

How is America the worst at shooting?

It’s almost as if the gun culture here is obsessed with something other than sportsmanship.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

they had to be engineers or scientists first to start working at NASA

NASA actually employs a very large number of people who are neither scientists nor engineers. Going to space requires a very diverse workforce.

Also, it’s not “Mission Manager”, it’s “Mission Operations Manager”.

You’re right that someone doesn’t end up as the MOM of a mission without experience in the technical roles that they are managing.

Barycentric Dynamical Time is one example of an astronomical time standard used in orbital dynamics models requiring consistency across billions of years and relativistic reference frames.

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