I think the NYT podcast used the word 'aimed an attack at Hezbollah' which is certainly a choice to describe a bombing requiring no aim
Scrum master
Yeah latest guy seems like a "don't tread on me" libertarian based purely on vibes, so that checks out
Yeah but if you unify the government into one person, you could then technically drown that person in a bathtub, q.e.d. small government. Checkmate libruls!
Like a bunch of different kinds. Whatever makes me look like an out of touch wingding.
Alt headline: Republican party worse than it has ever been thanks to fundamentalist dingbats and narcissistic sociopaths
Yeah! He should've done it on a street!!
Ranch it up! It's 8:40 bro!!
It's weird how words come around again. I'm sure he meant this in the American liberal v conservative context, but it also works in the old meaning of liberal in the sense of "people who don't want a king"...
Who is doing the operations, Don? The school nurse with the cafeteria staff handing them scalpels and shit?? Band teacher anesthesiologist. OK I'm done.
Great when are we eating the pie? I'll bring ice cream