Bei üblichen Unternehmen: Tja uns sind die Hände gebunden, wir müssen machen was die Aktionäre wollen, geht leider nix.
Bahn: Tja also der einzige Aktionär hat hier gar nix zu sagen Freunde.
Bei üblichen Unternehmen: Tja uns sind die Hände gebunden, wir müssen machen was die Aktionäre wollen, geht leider nix.
Bahn: Tja also der einzige Aktionär hat hier gar nix zu sagen Freunde.
Und wie kommt man dann mit 10 in die weiterführende Schule? Du musst Dinge schon zu Ende denken.
Is leider meist so das es einen guten Grund gibt warum die Dinge so sind wie sie sind und das es gar nicht so einfach ist strukturelle Probleme zu lösen. Entgegender landläufigen Meinung hätte es dann nämlich tatsächlich schon wer gemacht.
Und Korruption ist halt doof.
Hmm Regio NDS, mach ma das die S1 Minden <-> Hannover ma pünktlich ist. Scheiß auf die ICEs.
TechnologyConnections is pretty dope
The load distributes across more shoulders automatically.
If you only host a server for yourself and 10 friends it costs next to nothing, if you have a big operation it can get just as expensive, it depends on what you are willing to do.
With centralized systems there is no choice but for the one centralized host to host everything.
That is exactly what it doesn't. There is no "understanding" and that is exactly the problem. It generates some output that is similar to what it has already seen from the dataset it's been fed with that might correlate to your input.
Funny you would think that using the fediverse. Discord has exactly the same problems Reddit and Twitter had where at any moment someone for whatever reason could alter the deal significantly.
Your point is that copyright law is easier to enforce than trademark law? I doubt it. I personally don't care that the lawyers you will definitely need for this and for long do exactly.
If you take over a project of this scale you need to make this your job and thus get paid. There's a good reason Louis hasn't just pushed this out as his hobby project but hired developers.
If you can't it won't happen. My point is more: If it was possible to take over, would it really happen? Extremely unlikely.
You really don't know the history of Microsoft, do you?
Aber du kennst sicher wen der wen kennt...