In the future, we will I hope look back on the era when profit was the only motive as the second dark age.
And with the benefit of historical evidence , how’s that worked out ?
Are you serious?
It implies militarisation guarantees peace.
Yes I’ve heard it and like a lot of old sayings, it’s fairly ignorant.
And I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we already have armies, navies, airforce, and cyber forces on hand.
Action Network is an open platform that empowers individuals and groups to organize for progressive causes.
Not much progressive about calling for Europe to be put on war footing.
It’s so misguided it’s hard to know where to begin.
American have been interfering in Ukrainian election to get their man installed for 20 years and more .
They put poroshenko in place in the first place
I’ve never seen starmer smile so much .
How about sticking to the topic ?
Democracies everywhere breathe a sigh of relief.
Edit: are the downvotes are because I didn’t say thank you to the American people. ?
Project Manager here, and where I’m from it’s common knowledge that 9 women can have a baby in a month .
Been saying it for a couple of weeks. Also best way to hold Putin to account. I think he goes home if UKraine agrees no NATO.
“Step up and pay for your own defence “
“Ok no problem, We’ll need to raise a bit more money “