
joined 1 year ago
[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Oh so now i’m depriving my server, a waiter who agreed to be paid hourly, above the legal minimum wage because we’re in California and tips aren’t deducted from his wage, his fair wage by not tipping? Me, a consumer in the restaurant, needs to directly subsidize his wage?


[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Ah of course i was gonna say even with a cgnat they would have some way of identifying the traffic.

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Thank you. So in a way if the carriers upgrade their infrastructure there would be a decrease in privacy because then it’s a one-to-one correspondence between IP address and customer, but then the customer would have the ability to host servers? The one scenario where the industry dragging their heels on upgrading is actually good for the consumer (in some respects) lol

Adding commas to that number: 4,294,967,296 addresses. More humans that IP address seems like a huge miscalculation in the internet infrastructure

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

Oh boi i didn’t know ipv6 was this spicy

[–] 18 points 2 weeks ago (11 children)
[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Ok, i’ll edit my post to include that too, as it seems it’s a more general solution :)

[–] 151 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

fuck nintendo

fuck nintendo

fuck nintendo

fuck nintendo

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

How many corn snakes are equivalent to a gf? I have one already.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Pretty neat

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Hell yeah bruther, resist capitalism as much as you can

[–] 9 points 1 month ago

Including the free microplastics from the container? About 3

[–] 24 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It has a strawless lid! 10/10 save the turtles

Bathrooms (
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

The die has cast

And the seeds are sown

The time has passed

For the hour is gone

enough said. (

Screenshotted from this post:


I have a network-wide pi hole and I noticed that it requested, a url blocked by my pi hole, even while my pc is suspended. I pinged and it is currently unreachable. So, somehow, windows pc’s turn on networking, phones home, and turns off even while suspended.

Creepy behavior


uninstall Apple Store, which comes pre-installed in iOS, to stop getting these notifications

edited post. The original description & title was me complaining about this notification thinking it was default behavior of iOS, not knowing it came from the Apple Store


Mateys! We have plundered the shores of tv shows and movies as these corporations flounder in stopping us seed and spread their files without regard for the flag of copyright. We have long plundered the shores of gaming and broke DRM that have been plaguing modern games, and allowing accessibility to games in countries where a game would cost a week or even a month of wages (I was once in this situation, so I am grateful for the pirating community for letting me enjoy the golden era of games back in 2012-2015).

But there, upon the horizon, lies a larger plunder. A kraken who guards a lair of untouched gold and emeralds, ready for the taking.

Closed-source AI models.

These corporations have stolen what was once ours, our own data, and put them in their AI models so that only they can profit off of it. These corporations raze the internet with their spiders and their bots to gather as much morsel of data from us which they can feed to their shiny new toy. We might not be able to stop them from stealing our data, but we have proven ourselves to be adept at copying things, leaking software, and this is what we need to do. AI is already too dangerous and to powerful for a select few corporations to control.

As long as AI is within the hands of corporations, not people, the AI will serve their goals, not ours. This needs to change, so this is what I propose for our next voyage.


I was wondering what it would take to rip udemy courses. I bought two udemy courses (ccna courses) a while back and i wanted to share da booty

I know there’s a udemy downloader in github (it only allows me to download it but i’ll still need the key) and it uses widevine drm. Anyone have experience with this?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Hello. I have now recently set up an i2p torrenting system connected to jellyfin. The upside is that I pay zero to vpns and i2p actually has a pretty awesome selection of movies and tv shows (postman ftw). For real, i feel like i2p is where it’s at right now in the torrenting world, as it completely bypasses the need to trust vpns. And torrenting over i2p doesn’t hurt the network like torrenting over tor. The downside is that download speeds per torrent is way lower, but i just wait a couple of days for torrents to finish.

Now, I seed and I give back to the community, but I feel like i need to do more and apply my skillset. I believe in piracy as an idea. Democratizing access to information is a noble pursuit, and seeders are the backbone to piracy and the idea of free access to information. But i want to do more. I want to learn how to crack drm, how to be at the source of information. As companies put in more complicated drm and enforce draconian copyright laws, i fear it might not be enough to just be a seeder. To win this ongoing war, we need more crackers.

I am but a humble foot soldier, looking for recruitment and training. I have a mathematics background and some flexible coding knowledge, but nothing deep. I like playing wargames like in overthewire and know the basics of gdb and a patchy knowledge of binary exploitation.

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