
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Oh so tipping was an anarchist and socialist thing? I didn’t get the memo, given countries that lean socialist don’t have the same intense societal pressure to tip,appreciated%20but%20not%20automatically%20expected.

Also, i don’t get the “if you don’t want to tip don’t eat out argument” because you’re avoiding the problem that is toxic tipping culture. People should tip and give extra because they want to, not because society and their servers expects them to. And also, I don’t eat out alone precisely because I don’t want to endure the societal expectations and pressure to tip, but that’s not a healthy thing is it? I should be able to just eat out alone, tip when I want to or not.

I’m thinking of tipping more as a psychological and societal phenomenon rather than an economic thing. I actually tip the majority of the time (when i’m in a group, with my friends, with my weed cashier). Let’s leave out the economics and think about this from a social and psychological level, which capitalists use to leverage and justify not paying their servers well.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Maybe the hospitality services relies on absolute sheep like you and everyone else to believe that not tipping is selfish and hurting their workers so they, the actual people that are hurting their workers by not giving them a living wage, gets a free pass and can justify not giving them a living wage because they live off of tips?

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

where did I mention principles here? I didn’t tell you all not to tip? On the contrary, I tip the majority of the time. I was just venting about my experience of internal social shame for not tipping, venting my internal conflict. I shared no principles. I ain’t jesus bro gtfo

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I don’t eat out alone, precisely due to the toxic tipping culture.

Any more suggestions?

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

yup. I don’t eat alone, because I hate tipping. You’re absolutely right. Congratulations. You solved my problem. You added so much to this conversation and solved the problem in tipping culture in America! Wow!

Fuck off

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Nah dude, tipping is a societal expectation in america.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)
[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

I’m actually fucking losing it

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

I do. I really do. I don’t eat out alone because I hate tipping culture. My girlfriend wanted to go on a date and I wanted to pay for both of us.

I tip when I’m in a group of friends and we can each pay a a percent of a tip. But yeah, you’re fucking right I don’t eat out. Congratulations you got me there.

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Oh so now i’m depriving my server, a waiter who agreed to be paid hourly, above the legal minimum wage because we’re in California and tips aren’t deducted from his wage, his fair wage by not tipping? Me, a consumer in the restaurant, needs to directly subsidize his wage?


[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Ah of course i was gonna say even with a cgnat they would have some way of identifying the traffic.

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Thank you. So in a way if the carriers upgrade their infrastructure there would be a decrease in privacy because then it’s a one-to-one correspondence between IP address and customer, but then the customer would have the ability to host servers? The one scenario where the industry dragging their heels on upgrading is actually good for the consumer (in some respects) lol

Adding commas to that number: 4,294,967,296 addresses. More humans that IP address seems like a huge miscalculation in the internet infrastructure

GPT-4 for free (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Hello sailors,

I have been job hunting for a while and I have felt a great disadvantage in my job search due to my lack of access to high-quality LLMs. Writing cover letters is honestly so bullshit. GPT-3 is honestly quite bad nowadays, but as a true pirate at heart I couldn't quite get myself to cough up the coin for OpenAI's GPT4 out of principle. I hate them for putting their cutting edge technology behind a paywall, making it inaccessible for their own gain. I feel like this is not what the internet was supposed to be. So today, call me the great emancipator cuz i'm teaching u how to get that shi for free baby

Requirements: Docker

It's all gonna be based off of this github repo: gpt4free

Installing through docker (there's also a way to install with Python PIP if that's more convenient for you. The docker worked for me though)

  1. docker pull hlohaus789/g4f

  2. docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 1337:1337 -p 7900:7900 --shm-size="2g" -v ${PWD}/hardir:/app/hardir hlohaus789/g4f:latest

  3. Open up the webui in your browser at localhost:8080

  4. In the "Provider" dropdown in the bottom look for "Liaobots"

  5. Choose "gpt-4-plus" under the "Models" dropdown

??? Profit

The cool thing about gpt4free is that there's a lot of providers and a lot of models to choose from! So if gpt-4-plus from Liaobot doesn't work for you you can switch to something else easily. Do note that some models require you to provide an authentication token or be logged in. Most of them work right out of the box tho.

*this post was not made with any use of an llm I promise ;)

^^list of gpt4 providers


Hello mateys,

There's a lot of discussion recently about the ethics of piracy. A lot of good points have been made out of a handful bad ones. The most compelling one is of course the data preservation one, that piracy is the only way to mass preserve digital media in a medium that is prone to error.

However, sometimes discussions about the ethical justification to privacy often lead to rationalizing. Pirating, as others have exclaimed, is at best morally grey, and there are some cases, namely pirating works of small creators, where it is actively harmful and wrong.

I would like to share my perspective on it. I studied some game theory in college and that course made me look at the world in a different way. I believe piracy is a perfect example of a game theory concept known as the prisoner's dilemma and evolutionary game theory, if you all haven't heard about it. My essay is less of a justification of piracy, but more of an explanation of why piracy happens and grounding it in theory.

As a background for this concept, here's a scenario. Let's say you're a criminal faced with two options: snitch or stay silent. There is also another criminal, your accomplice, who is also in jail and faced with the same option. Depending on your response and your accomplice's response there are different payouts:

I stay silent and accomplice stays silent: 2 years of jail for both of us

I stay silent and accomplice snitches: 5 years of jail for me, 1 year of jail for the accomplice

I snitch and accomplice stays silent: 1 year of jail for me, 5 years of jail for my accomplice

We botch snitch on each other: 3 years of jail time for both of us

Most of you probably know where this is going, but bear with me because i'm gonna go further. The quick analysis of the situation is that there is a best-case scenario, which is both of us staying silent. But this best-case scenario can only happen with the result of cooperation. This is because if one of us flips, the other will have to serves longer sentence. The best case scenario can only happen if we both agree before the game that we will stay silent so we can guarantee the outcome, or else we will serve the longer sentence if the other betrays us.

So, what if we play this game without cooperating beforehand? Well, looking at my options:

if i stay silent, i can either get 2 years or 5 years of jail time

if i snitch, i can get either 1 year or 3 years of jail time

when faced with both these options, which strategy will you choose? of course, I do not want to got to jail for 5 years. Snitching definitely looks mad appealing to me when looking at it from this perspective. That's why, in game theory, snitching is what's called a nash equilibrium. Staying silent is not a nash equilibrium, because if the other snitches then I get a resulting jailtime which is worse off than if i just stayed silent.

Note that this does not mean that everybody should snitch. It's just that, given the choices handed to us, snitching is the one that will result in the least bad jail sentences. As with life, there may be other factors at play, such as the fact that if I snitch, the gang boss might kill me when I get out, which will definitely affect my decisions whether I should snitch or stay silent.

Okay. So how does this relate to piracy? What if we now play this game at a massive scale. Each and every one of us is faced with two options: pirate or buy. Currently, the majority of people actually buy software and media!

But wait. If buying is analogous to staying silent, and pirating is analogous to snitching, why aren't we at Nash equilibrium? why isn't everyone pirating software? My sweet summer child, I present to you the concept of law. The purpose of the law is precisely to coordinate people so we don't fall into our shitty Nash equilibriums and ruin everything, and it does it precisely by attaching a more negative result to snitching (pirating). That's why we have stoplights (seriously, we talk about stoplights a lot in my game theory class) and why (mostly) everyone follows stoplight laws. (before you say tRagEdY oF tHE cOMmONs!!!! the guy Garrett Hardin who coined the term was a hardline eugenicist and his intellectual contributions is a shitstain in academia so shut the fuck up.)

(for people that are curious, this is the realm of Evolutionary game theory. It studies the scenarios where each individual pair off in a population and play a game, and studies stable populations and stable strategies under this model. Ironically, i learned this from Game Theory, Alive by Anna R. Karlin and Yuval Peres. which i got from libgen XD)

So, as we have it, we have a majority of people buying software, with a minority of pirates who are getting that software or media for free. We aren't at nash equilibrium!! More technically, piracy is stable strategy under the parameters of the system. We pirates know that buying all the software we interact with will just make us poorer and sad in the end, and we'll be stuck with all the DRM. But on the other hand, it's untenable if everyone just pirates everything all the time! We pirates profit so long as the majority of people keep buying software. This puts us, pirates, at a very precarious position. It is dangerous when the population of pirates to increase, because this will cause things and create domino effects which will put us at nash equilibrium due to more regulation of piracy and a crackdown of piracy, leaving us worse off and needing to adapt to these changes.

My advice:the most stable strategy right now is buying software whenever you can spare the coin and if you think the value of the software to you matches its price, but pirating if it's convenient or unaffordable.

Too long, didn't read: piracy is a stable strategy under the current parameters of the system. If everybody pirates it fucks everything up. So, be as sneaky as you can. Also, read up on your evolutionary game theory you pleb


I've occassionally played some Dota2 before but I'll be mainly switching to Dota2 after League releases their kernel level anticheat. I mostly play on arch linux (the league of linux community is the best), and I love that Dota2 supports linux natively while I have to literally hack my system and, in the past, patched some binaries to ensure that league barely works on my system. I'd often have the game crash on me right before the game starts because League's spaghetti code can't handle my system.

Overall, I feel like Dota2 is the better game holistically. The UI is better polished, the gameplay is more well balanced, and it doesn't feel like a shithole like League feels like now. I have long been contemplating making the switch, and I feel stupid at this point sticking to League up until they literally kick me out of their game because they want to require a kernel-level anticheat (aka spyware) that will block me from playing on my linux system.

I grew up playing League and I'll miss it, but I love MOBAs and Dotas is the de-facto best there is. My relationship with League can best be described as Stockholm Syndrome at this point, and I'm happy they're releasing me.


At least in arch, the package qbittorrent-nox now contains the ability to connect to i2p. For people starting out, using i2p you wouldn't need to use a VPN to download your favorite "linux ISOs"; just use i2p and have a fully automated Jellyfin server!

I recommend using i2pd as the i2p router

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

Alt text: an ad for Github Copilot when viewing files in a github repo


why does this movie exist

Alt text: The movie Bricklayer. Overview: Someone is blackmailing the CIA by assassinating foreign journalists and making it look like the agency is responsible. As the world begins to unite against the U.S., the CIA must lure its most brilliant - and rebellious - operative out of retirement, forcing him to confront his checkered past while unraveling an international conspiracy.

In reality, the CIA would be the ones funding the assassination of foreign journalists 🤦‍♀️


My dog tore up the remote so we were forced to use the roku app to control the tv.

They’re showing ads on the remote app. It feels like we can never escape this dystopian hellacape.


Alt text: Mark Zuckerberg staring creepily into a window with a caption “Let me…get some of that activitypub”

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