Trump associates the USA with himself.
Are you sure about that?
Seems to me like he’s just more self-aware now.
What do they do when their personality was a disgraced loser from the start?
Ooh look! China!
Thing is, you can’t gerrymander between husband and wife. Wouldn’t it be something if the wife vote showed up for Harris in MO.
I was thinking this was about the country’s recent election… took me a moment to realize this was about the US state.
Who protects the voters from the drones, snipers and razor wire?
That’s reek. Wreak is a verb meaning to cause a large amount of harm or damage. It’s also archaic.
It’s not like this is a new story; we’ve seen it many times before, usually resulting in a lot of pain and suffering for humanity to recover from afterwards.
…and that has to do with echo chambers.
Not only do they have pastors in church reading specially selected passages of scripture (often out of context) and preaching the message of the GOP instead of the message of Jesus, but the TV and radio stations they watch and listen to, and the social media groups they’re in all are focused the same way. And all these places share the same “I have the answers; listen to me and everything will be OK for your soul” approach to life, which is easier than continually having to apply your own critical thought to the barrage of information we’re otherwise exposed to in modern society.
Also worth pointing out where you say “their minds are closed and locked” — in biblical language, the cultures of the time thought that people thought with their hearts. So all those “their hearts were hardened” scattered throughout the Bible? They’re talking about the exact same thing you are… and it’s never a good thing.
I’d rephrase that:
“By casting your ballot for Kamala Harris, you are voting AGAINST Vladimir Putin.”
You think Trump would let the museums be about anyone but him?
Musk will eventually fall out of favor.