
joined 2 years ago
[–] 26 points 2 days ago


[–] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I'll generally remove posts without questions if someone reports them, but if they aren't bothering anyone enough to report it and I don't notice that they're in this community, then IMO, they're not doing much harm.

But if and when the community gets bigger, signal to noise ratio becomes a lot more important when it's harder to keep up with everything. But we can cross that bridge if and when we get to it IMO

[–] 13 points 6 days ago (3 children)

The way I see it is the rules exist to improve the experience of the community. They set guidelines to help us achieve that. The rules aren't the final source of truth though, the quality of the community is.

So, if you see something that breaks the rules and is pulling the community down in doing so, use the report function, and highlight it.

If it's breaking a rule, but not harming the community, then just let it fly.

I have no interest in enforcing rules for the sake of rules. I see them more as guidelines for fostering a better community, and that's the lens through which I moderate.

[–] 22 points 1 week ago

Yay! 4.8 supports my camera! I can finally stop running darktable nightlies

[–] 16 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I used Dreaming Spanish, which uses natural comprehension and teaches entirely in Spanish, with no translation. It's not as fast as some alternatives, but it matches my learning style, and has given me a neutral accent when I speak

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)
[–] 29 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Because is the instance where the community is hosted, and it ensures that instance defederation and other federation quirks don't stop the mod from seeing all of the reports.

There is no need for to become the main account, just that they have one here to ensure they get a full view when they're moderating

unixsocks needs new mods (
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Most of the current mods are inactive, so if you're interested in helping run this community, please drop me a line on matrix, via DM or here!

I'm looking for someone that has an established history both on the threadiverse, and within this community. Ideally, you'll already have a account, but if you do not, you will need to create an alt here

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Digikam. It supports grouping (or stacking as it's called in Lightroom) by filename, so you can auto group RAW and JPG. It has hot keys for flagging rejects/approvals during initial inspections and review, so you can just fly through them.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Photoprism is not suitable as part of a post editing workflow. It's a gallery for displaying and searching your photos after they've been sorted and edited.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago

Hello waterfox

[–] 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

There are two types of people that use slurs to talk about other folk.

The first group is made up of folk who don't give a fuck if they're hurting others.

The second group is made up of folk who don't realise the slur is a slur or don't understand why the slur is harmful.

The second group appreciates being informed about the consequences of their words so they can change course.

People in the first group that are pretending they're in the second group get angry when called out. But they were always the first group.


How do non explicitly installed package dependencies get updated in Arch? Do they update independently of the package that is dependent on them, or do they get updated when the parent package updates? Or is it some secret third thing?


submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

I'm running an nvidia card on X11 Plasma 6, with a 4K monitor alongside a QHD monitor. Both monitors are the same physical size, despite being different resolutions, so in the nvidia settings app, I've got the second X screen setup to generate 4K but downscale it to QHD in the output. It makes the second screen slightly blurry, but it's worth it for the ability to move windows back and forth without dealing with different resolutions.

The problem is, no matter what I do, I can't make the changes "stick". The nvidia applet has an option to save it to the x.conf file, and I've verified that it has done so in a text editor. But every time I boot, I have to change it in the nvidia settings applet again.

Is there something I'm missing with the way arch/kde handles x conf files? How do I make it stick between reboots?


cross-posted from:

Image description: A small sparrow sized bird with a red head, and pointed crest, standing on pavement, with some moss in its beak

#AvesArgentinas #birds #DailyBird #cardinal


cross-posted from:

Image description: A ground level perspective view of a crested pigeon at rest on grassy ground.

#DailyBird #AustralianBirds #Birds #pigeons


cross-posted from:

Image description: A silhouette of a lone seagull, against a sky turned burned orange in colour at sunset. Nothing but the bird and the sky are visible

#AustralianBirds #HerveyBay #birds #sunset #gull


Image description: A silhouette of a lone seagull, against a sky turned burned orange in colour at sunset. Nothing but the bird and the sky are visible

#AustralianBirds #HerveyBay #birds #sunset #gull


Image description: A black vulture sits on a tree branch, with Iguaçu Falls in the background

#birds #aves #iguazufalls #DailyBird


This one is an old favourite. Australian Ibis are ugly birds, but they can also be beautiful in their own way

Image description: A side profile of a preening Australian white ibis, with neck ruffle feathers erect

#DailyBird #AustralianBirds #birds #ibis


Image description: A grumpy looking seagull standing on dirt and grass covered ground

#DailyBird #AustralianBirds #Birds


Image description: A small yellow bird on ground covered with bark and leaf litter

#aves #birds #DailyBird

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