
joined 4 years ago
[–] 27 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Chiropractors. It's pseudoscience. Maybe it's not the most unique opposition from me as I know some others dislike chiropractors, but I think it's backwards that medical aids or health insurance will literally pay for their client's appointments with these modern day charlatans, while denying payment of scientifically proven treatment options.

[–] 24 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (3 children)

From what I've seen, it's a QR code that links to a website which logs your IP address, along with other details.

[–] 38 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (8 children)

Stenzek gets a ton of abuse from the emulation community that is undeserved. I remember when he made PlayStation 2 emulation on Android possible with AetherSX2 under another username/alias, a massive technological leap, and the community treated him like trash. Moves like this are just in response to the entitlement and poor behaviour that some people directed towards Stenzek. Yes it sucks for the rest of us who behave appropriately online, but none of this would be happening if others treated the guy with respect in the first place.

[–] 16 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

They were going to do this even if they won, based on the way Hillary Clinton won by three million but Black men still had to hear the most about it from the daughters of Emmett Till's false-accuser.

Muslim and/or Arab men also had to hear this nonsense from Harris during the presidential debate when Harris repeated misinformation about October 7, where she said that Hamas and Palestinians sexually assaulted Israelis. How can she expect them to vote for her after that? Harris in general is really bad at speaking to minority men in the United States. I guess that's the predictable end result of Harris making a career out of being a persecutor and sending them to jail.

[–] 34 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I mean that's what happens when Harris is the vice president of the administration currently carrying out genocide in Gaza. Harris also repeated misinformation about Hamas members/ Palestinian men sexually assaulting Israelis during October 7 during the last presidential debate. How are Muslim voters supposed to trust someone like that? Someone that repeats racist and Islamophobic lies about them and their Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza. Someone actively part of a genocidal administration. Of course Muslims do not want to vote for Harris, and the reasons are very obvious.

[–] 36 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (40 children)

Are you just going to ignore the racist and xenophobic talking points by Harris about how immigrants are bringing fentanyl to kill US citizens? Or Harris bringing up the factually incorrect claims about Hamas members and Palestinian men sexually assaulting Israelis, based on racist colonial tropes. Or how Harris was a top prosecutor that spent her entire career locking up minorities. I could go on and on, the entire debate consisted of the candidates trying to outdo each other with the amount of racism they were spewing.

[–] 5 points 4 weeks ago

Neutron Music Player for Android. Yes the UI is outdated, but the efficiency and feature set cannot be beat. It's so efficient on battery life compared to both streaming music services like Spotify, or any other local music player Android app. And the feature set is incredible. The full parametric equalizer, built in frequency response correction for almost any headphone model you can name, volume normalisation, EQ presets, direct USB access to USB DACs to bypass Android volume or format limitations, crossfeed for headphones, and that's just what I can think of now. I'm sure there are more features I haven't even used yet.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Need For Speed Underground 2. That was a great racing game. Shortly followed by Burnout 3 Takedown. Got a PlayStation 2 bundle with both of those games for Christmas as a kid.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It was rare to see this but when I did it was a Samsung and it had been dropped.

Yeah I agree with you there I've experienced the same, it's almost always a Samsung with an OLED screen and curved edges, that gets dropped with a hard impact on one of the corners.

[–] 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

With my experience in repairing smartphones, I've found that those with curved edge displays are the most susceptible. I remember when the s7 edge launched, a ton of those phones got the green lines across the screen. So I'd imagine phones with folding screens are also more susceptible to this damage.

In the article, the two phones mentioned have either a curved edge or a folding screen. It seems that any curve or fold in the OLED display makes it easier to damage.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

I've updated my first response.

But as for looking at it in a Marxist way (obviously you are correct in that Marx did not mention unequal exchange, the chapter of Capital based on international trade never saw daylight and it is impossible to know what Marx would've written), Samir Amin came up with two accumulation models.

I have proposed two accumulation models, one involving the center and the other the periphery. The model involving the center is governed by the articulation of Capital’s two Departments, I and II, which, by that fact, expresses the coherence of a self-centered capitalist economy. Contrariwise, in the periphery model, the articulation that governs the reproduction of the system links exports (the motive force) to (induced) consumption. The model is “outward-turned” (as opposed to “self-centered”). It conveys a “dependence,” in the sense that the periphery adjusts “unilaterally” to the dominant tendencies on the scale of the world system in which it is integrated, these tendencies being the very ones governed by the demands of accumulation at the center...

These conditions, governing accumulation on a world scale, thus reproduce unequal development. They make clear that the underdeveloped countries are so because they are super-exploited and not because they are backward...

The “two models,” nonetheless, constitute but a single reality, that of accumulation operative on a world scale, and characterized by the articulation of Marx’s Departments I and II—grasped henceforward at the global scale and no longer at the scale of societies at the center. For the periphery’s exports, at this scale, become constitutive elements of constant capital and variable capital (whose prices they lower), while their imports fulfill functions analogous to those of Department III: that is to say, they facilitate the realization of excess surplus-value.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

There is no unequal exchange. Workers in more developed countries get paid more because they produce more per hour.


There are statistics showing the amount of steel or the amount of grain produced per man-hour of labour in India might be 10-100 times lower than in the USA or UK (because workers use more technologically advanced tools).

The important question to ask here, if we want to work within this model, is why countries in the periphery do not use the labour techniques and tools used by by centre and combine this with their lower peripheral wages? Surely this would generate more profit than using their inefficient techniques. Secondly, if this could be the case, why hasn't all capital fled from the centre to the periphery, as this would make the most profit. Lastly, given the current distribution of techniques and technology being what it is, one has to ask the question: is the international division of labour that results from that, with the centre specialising in certain branches of production, and the periphery responsible for other branches, compatible with equal exchange? If it was, the fractional share of products the centre produces that are exchanged for what the periphery produces, at a single price for each product, should be equal. But is it?

One possible answer here is that labour is not exploited uniformly; the rates of surplus value are unequal. And this needs to be explained in terms of value, rather than in direct prices. And how is this unequal exploitation of labour manifested? It is manifested through unequal exchange. It is this unequal exploitation of labour, and the unequal exchange that results from it, that dictates inequality in the international distribution of labour. Demand is distorted structurally across a global scale, which accelerates self centred acculturation in the centre, while hindering dependent, extroverted accumulation in the periphery.

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