When you say that about her being mentally ill with no empathy, what exactly do you mean? I'm asking because it's easy to draw a lot of different conclusions from that statement, and I'm trying to make fewer assumptions when I don't know people well.
Part of the problem is that sufficient wealth seems to destroy people's understanding of consequence. They don't experience them very often, and so reach a point where they can simply pursue whatever their feelings tell them to do and the world magically restructures itself to allow them to do so.
Combine this with how the incentives of the social system result in the people who are most likely to pursue a selfish course being the most financially successful- you get a recipe for short-sighted, ignorant and self-important nonsense.
Little high, little low. I'm adjusting to online discussions after not being part of them for quite a while. Had some fun conversations with my partner and I am writing again, which is great. Job hunting is such a drag though. Simply inhuman.
Thanks for responding, I appreciate it. What you're saying makes sense.