Want some get some. I'm so tired from my 3 part time jobs I don't even have the energy to take on a 4th one... giving blowjobs
Throw her in a lake and see if she sinks. /$
For the longest time I would try to push myself out of my comfort zone. I thought eventually my feelings about doing "normal people stuff" would change. They did not.
Oh no
Why aren't churches free housing for all?
Definitely not how I'd want my commune to be structured, but to each their own. I just hope that's what the people who live there really want.
Make your own. Here, I got this from another lemming
a real CO2 cylinder with a CGA 320 valve (the 10lb size is plenty) a CGA-320 CO2 regulator some 1/4" ID reinforced PVC tubing a carbonation cap + 1/4" barb ball lock disconnect