
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 4 months ago

If you've been using Windows for decades, Linux is absolutely not easier to use. Troubleshooting Windows for me is super easy and nowadays I hardly have to troubleshoot at all. It kinda just works™. Troubleshooting Linux as a noob is absolutely atrocious and I've always run into a problem with Linux within the first couple of weeks.

That said, I wish I grew up using Linux, so it'd be second nature to me. I really would like to ditch Windows. Problem is, I'm already burnt out from my job, I really don't have the energy to make the switch yet.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Ich glaube worauf er hinaus möchte ist, dass man nicht Perfektion anstreben sollte, wenn eine Verbesserung der Situation dadurch misslingt. E-Autos sind sehr wohl besser als Verbrenner und könnten zusätzlich eine Teillösung der Speicherung von erneuerbaren Energien sein (V2G).

Natürlich wollen wir alle in einem Utopia leben, in der jeder problemlos mit Öffis von A nach B kommt. Wir müssen aber leider auch realistisch bleiben.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Aber es scheint niemand mit denen zu föderieren. Ist schon etwas strange das ganze. Soll auch keine Kritik sein, ich steig da nur nicht so durch Ü

[–] 6 points 4 months ago (6 children)

keine Pornographie

Nur mal ne allgemeine Frage dazu. Warum scheint Lemmy so ein Problem mit Pornographie zu haben? Es ist sauschwer hier was in der Richtung zu finden, während es auf Reddit sauviel Content dazu gibt/gab. Würde nur gerne die Begründung dafür mal wissen.

[–] 9 points 4 months ago

Hier ein paar Sachen, die mir dazu einfallen:

  • nach jedem waschgang die Tür und das Waschmittelfach offen lassen, damit die Maschine ordentlich durchlüftet wird
  • einmal im Monat die Maschine auskochen. Das geht auch mit Kochwäsche, also muss kein Leerwaschgang sein
  • Waschmittelmenge und -zusammensetzung auf die Härte deines Wassers einstellen
  • lieber etwas weniger Wäsche in die Maschine füllen. Das Bullauge sollte leicht zu schließen sein
  • schau beim nächsten Mal nach, wie viel Wasser in der Maschine ist und ob das Waschmittelfach frei von Waschmittelresten ist. Evtl. ist das Eckventil nicht ganz offen oder es gibt nen Knick in der Wasserleitung
[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

People that really want convenience just pay for streaming services.

Streaming services stopped being convenient a couple of years ago. Introduction of ads, content strewn all over the place, shitty UI, etc.

I went with Stremio because it has everything in one place. Seeding is not an option because Germany is a shit country for seeding Torrents.

Real Debrid does the torrenting while the end user downloads the cached content. I'm not sure if they seed or not however.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago

Oh, so I guess the 15kWp on my roof that generated 14 MWh last year was just a dream then.

What went wrong in your life?

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

You're absolutely right! In Germany this type of behavior is even propagated by conservative parties. They're blaming the green party for acting on ideology. This is "emotion" paraphrased. It doesn't come as a surprise to me that simpletons adopt this narrative. Right wing propaganda essentially works by triggering emotions.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

Mate, you ever stop to think that maybe you are the one falling for right wing propaganda? No one here is saying that it's time for full EV. That'd never work. No one is being forced either. It's a transition. ICEs will be here for decades to come. It'd be nice to have less of them however. Plus EVs can be a puzzle piece in solving energy storage, so full renewables becomes feasible.

You're blatantly ignoring scientific data and logic and are just parroting boulevard magazine level bullshit. Seek help, you're definitely on the side of ignorant people who are afraid of change.

[–] 10 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (4 children)

What does that have to do with your initial comment? And have you ever heard of photovoltaics? The fuck does that have to do with emotion?

I myself still drive an ICE, because I don't want to afford an EV yet (they're extremely expensive in Germany). An EV would be ideal for me however. I produce a shitload of energy with the PV on my roof. In the last 30 years I've lived here, we had exactly one power outage that was fixed within an hour. We brutally overproduce wind and solar power, EVs can actually help store that surplus energy (think vehicle to grid).

Maybe you should inform yourself before you make a fool of yourself.

Unless that was sarcasm again, because that was just such a dumb comment. Jesus.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago

You get that idea because no one actually browses the internet anymore. All people ever do is use fucking social Media and that's about it. No one's using Limewire to download porn/music, no one's using warez websites anymore, there are trustworthy porn aggregators so no one needs to visit dubious websites anymore.

Viruses are still a thing, and as someone already mentioned, chrome and edge themselves are spyware. Phishing is the more prodominant modus operandi nowadays.

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