
joined 1 year ago
[–] 80 points 3 months ago (4 children)

For real though, the shortest license is probably the WTFPL:


Might've used it a couple of times myself.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

This was on PM earlier, they were interviewing one of the named postmasters: she only found out about this leak when The Mail called for a quote.

As she said herself, there's accident and there's incompetence; this leans heavily to the latter.

[–] 9 points 3 months ago

As I understand it, the prophecy is that when the state of Israel is fully unified once more, and the temple of Solomon is rebuilt, Jesus will return and the second battle of Armageddon will commence.

End of the world, rapture of the believers into Heaven, the whole bit.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Essentially. If the end user is being asked to make a financial outlay to get to the same things they did before, it's unlikely that will go down well.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

It should, certainly. But the original draft introducing the header had a typo, and now we're all stuck with it.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Mm, added a few numeronyms: i18n, l10n, a11y, k8s.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Inserted to the list, thanks.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

The database is domain-specific: here in /c/selfhosted, an acronym like IP (if I had that in the list) would mean something different to a database for (say) /c/legal. General acronyms like YSK aren't included.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (4 children)

You make a fine point: it's case-sensitive, so it'd only see PiHole. Which I guess is fine...

It also doesn't kick in until at least five comments have been left on a thread, so as not to be spammy as much as possible.


A couple of weeks ago, I posted a thread here asking whether y'all could make use of Decronym the acronym explainer bot, and reaction was positive.

I finally got around to setting up an initial version of the database earlier today, so Decronym is now running; this post links to the current list of 40 or so acronyms that have definitions, based almost entirely on acronyms that been used in the pinned "What do you selfhost" thread.

If I've made glaring errors or omissions, do let me know and the database can be updated. Otherwise, let's see how this thing fares.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

Don't mind me, just testing acronym detection.


[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Coffee may be an offence worthy of the Tower, but I hope my Services To Tea offer mitigating circumstances when my case is brought before the King Prince.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Let's get the AMAs kicked off on Lemmy, shall we.

Almost ten years ago now, I wrote RFC 7168, "Hypertext Coffeepot Control Protocol for Tea Efflux Appliances" which extends HTCPCP to handle tea brewing. Both Coffeepot Control Protocol and the tea-brewing extension are joke Internet Standards, and were released on Apr 1st (1998 and 2014). You may be familiar with HTTP error 418, "I'm a teapot"; this comes from the 1998 standard.

I'm giving a talk on the history of HTTP and HTCPCP at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress in Berlin later this month, and I need an FAQ section; AMA about the Internet and HTTP. Let's try this out!


Hi, I'm the maintainer of Decronym. You may have come across Decronym on the aliensite, especially in the spaceflight communities; it picks up on comments that contain acronyms (that are in its database), and drops a helpful top-level comment on the thread that it keeps up to date as more acronyms get used.

Decronym's now running on Lemmy, here's a comment it left in /c/spacex a few days ago. There are a few acronyms and other bits of jargon that get thrown around in the selfhosted space: VPS, Plex, Debian and such like... so I wondered if y'all would welcome Decronym making comments in threads here?

If that sounds like a good idea, drop a comment with some acronyms and definitions you'd like Decronym to keep in its database, and I can look into getting it set up. Thanks!


[Lifted from the Other Place, where I made this post last year in preparation for driving the route...]

Various bypasses n' such mean its path has changed over time: SABRE have the "original" route as of 1923 but no directional navigation.

I had some time this weekend, so I've done the legwork, as far as it's possible to match the original route thanks to pedestrianised zones and one-ways. In three parts:

Manchester to Loughborough (Google doesn't want to route you down the A5004 to Buxton, so turn right instead of left at Whaley Bridge)

Loughborough to Bedford

Bedford to the end of the A6, Chipping Barnet

~~I'd say "enjoy", but it's like a 7-hour drive apparently. I'll find out just how long it takes next week.~~

I did end up driving this whole route, stopping for lunch in Leicester and supping at the KFC in South Mimms. Got lost trying to find a way down the A5004, not realising it had been washed away, and had to backtrack onto the current route of the A6.

Most boring section? Bedford to Luton, of course. More or less a straight line with no distinguishing features.

If any of you feel like trying it, budget for 9 hours. It was fun, but it was much quicker coming back up the motorways.

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