
joined 1 year ago

I am not sure if I have a Treatment Resistant Depression, but I sure have been on multiple SSRIS for the last 10 years.

I honestly don't feel any of them have "really worked" besides being numb.

I want to stop taking them eventually, wondering if Ketamine would open me in therapy and make it more meaningful/impacting.

I'm a really anxious person, so the thought of trying Ket or psychedelics always gets me nervous, like permanently making my anxiety worse or wake up some schizophrenia (I have no signs, nor I have relatives)

I know that attentiveness and dopamine regulation won't improve with ket, but has anyone else been able to treat the depression and anxiety that comes with ADHD?

[–] TunaLibre@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Seriously, I just started with a VMax Pro after 12 years combusting weed, using a water bong most of the time.

Not only does weed last longer vaping, it has a better taste and you don't get intoxicated with the CO2.

Don't get me wrong, I love a blunt or bong, especially with friends around, but daily burning weed is hard on yourself.


I know it's common we ADHD peeps tend to be constantly switching docs/psychs. I have been on SSRIs for more than 10 years now and don't know if my issues are due to untreated ADHD.

My previous 2 psychs haven't been that helpful.

I was going through a rough patch after trying Stimulants, and the doc started mentioning that I was extremely depressed, and that maybe I should consider a mental health institution. I commented multiple times that I felt anxiety and stress was my issue but she disagreed, but still tried to put me on Seroquel off label, which I never took.

I felt that my psych was treating me like a child, telling me similar stuff to "man up, grab the bull by the horns" etc.

I started seeing my current therapist due to feelings that my psychiatrist was exhausted from dealing with me.

Current therapist doesn't even see me for more than 20 mins, I am never able to ask enough questions or list my symptoms. I also had issues with her due to not refilling my prescription for multiple days even after calling her.

I'm currently on vortioxetine 20mg and gabapentin for "sleep". Current psych mentioned I might give guanfacine a try.

I don't know, i feel I should look for a new psychiatrist, maybe someone that specializes in ADHD? Or am I just overthinking and I'm the one at fault and not "listening" to the doctors?

[–] TunaLibre@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

I already have a pair of nice Road Bike and MTB, which I have neglected for a while. Now I want to buy a cheap MTB in OfferUp to convert using one of those bafangs wheel hub motors.

I don't need another bike, but it would be nice. Let me know of your progress/setup. I think I'll jump on buying once I find a good candidate.

[–] TunaLibre@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'll research more into magnesium, thanks. I'm already on SSRIs so I might give Strattera + vortioxetine a try

[–] TunaLibre@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm curious, are you also taking an SSRI with Strattera? I'm thinking of giving non-stimulants another chance.

[–] TunaLibre@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (6 children)

Thanks for the reply.

I'm already on 20mg of vortioxetine, I quite like it as an SSRI and I feel tons better after trying out Venlafaxing (effexor), Probably the worst SSRI I have ever tried.

Vape vs smoke? Will need to research more into that. I know most of the benefits, but wasn't aware of an anxiety being worse when smoked.

Yeah I ready cut almost all nicotine out of my system, only smoke when I'm out drinking which doesn't happen to often now. And only one cup of coffee in the morning.


I already go frequently to therapy and take SSRIs (for over 10 years now). I guess they kinda help as antidepressants, but anxiety wise I haven't had any luck if it's not Benzos or Weed (but weed creates money anxiety on the comedown)

Should I try to meditate? I'm thinking on reading anxiety books but am worried the usual tips (go exercise, eat healthier, sleep better, etc) won't exactly work out since we think differently. I know they are all good advice but they are extremely hard to stick to.

Stimulants help but I get extremely anxious on the comedown after they wear out, so I decided not to try them anymore.

Non stimulants ADHD meds were not helping, but I might have not given them enough time to work.

Idk, I'm confused right now. Too much bruxism lately, muscle cramps and trouble sleeping. Gabapentin helps to sleep but I don't take it daily, afraid I can get "addicted". I usually skip weekends.

[–] TunaLibre@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

I hope it's Abeloth

[–] TunaLibre@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Link is dead, here is YouTube.


Holy shit I just smoked some weed after a stressfull and anxious week, loved it 😆