
joined 2 years ago
[–] 6 points 2 years ago

The Tor implementation on Brave is not for serious use cases and I would only use it for general things.

Additionally you can use regular firefox to view onions with a few simple steps try googling it. Once again this wouldn't be for serious use cases and you lose all the protections Tor browser provides.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

if that’s even possible

Nested virtualization is possible with supported software AND hardware, a lot of consumer products lack the hardware to make it happen though and even then still inefficient. I've tried in the past and I get an error plainly stating I can't run hypervisors within a hypervisor. The concept has been around for a while especially with large corporations like VMware and IBM.

it has a significant learning curve last time I checked

It's a learning curve but if you can manage virtualbox it shouldn't be too hard to figure out Qube manager. The latest 4.1 release is definitely the best one thus far for stability and ease of use since the automatically updater actually works!

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

I use to be able to send QuadrigaCX like 2k cash by mail hidden in a DVD box and it would be credited to my account that only had fake info. Those were the days.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago

Intelligence agencies and their agents seem to be the most dangerous thing to democracy. If it's not unchecked agencies running rampant then it's ex-agents using their vast knowledge, experience and skills to destabilize governments across the globe.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Cool site, I'll post one I've used for anyone curious.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago

Sex cannot be differentiated from rape

Well that's pretty fucking terrifying.

and while such laws remain, men are gonna be frustrated since sex is an evolutionary desire which cannot be removed

They exist now and I'm not getting frustrated. Maybe not so universal you know? Do you believe that the disparity in young men getting laid is related to laws against rape and stalking and not the fact woman are getting stalked and raped to begin with?

[–] 3 points 2 years ago

Well there was phoneblocs that inspired Google PRoject Ara that actually made a phone with swappable modules but they promptly killed it like all things Google does. I was beyond excited for these during the time, such disappointment.

That site mentions shiftphone and fairphone both of which use screws instead of glue and are easily repaired.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I don't have the patience or interest to watch this whole video to find out what it's saying but the graphics I saw as I clicked through were hilarious and have intrigued me enough to post this comment asking for a summary if someone was so inclined.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Detection technologies have already acquired a high degree of accuracy

I wonder what they consider high accuracy because it will almost certainly not be enough. Millions of people being monitored means billions of messages a day. For a billion messages a program that'a 99.999% accurate will have 10,000 false positives a day and 1 billion messages a day is a fairly low estimate imo.

Mind blowing we still have to tell governments that back doors for you mean a back door for them.

I assume this technology would be applied to every government employee and politician who would then be forced to use unencrypted messages so we know they aren't involved in any CSAM?

[–] 3 points 2 years ago

Fucking hell man! Thanks for the incredibly disturbing info. Cambridge Analytica is right up their with Palantir and Blackwater for evil and destructive companies in my mind. There's actually so many of them nowadays on the private military and intelligence contractor side.

No real action will be done against companies like Cambridge, every side wants to keep the possibility of leveraging them open.

[–] 10 points 2 years ago (4 children)

This whole story is insane.

As president, Marcos will have power over executive agencies involved in recovering his family’s ill-gotten wealth, such as the Presidential Commission on Good Government and the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG). The PCGG was still trying to recover P125 billion more in stolen wealth.

Is there someone from the Philippines who can fill me in how this guy ever got so much support? Is he crazy charismatic and persuasive?


I've been messing around with a self-hosted ELK stack and am curious on using it's APM for lemmy. I would have to setup another server to do this it seems so I'd like to get some insight into what others are doing.

Picture is a screenshot of a metrics dashboard I'm getting with metricbeat + system module, not getting much with the docker one yet for some reason. I was able to get it with an Elastic Agent and the docker integration but I switched to this since it was kinda heavy on the memory.


Using Lemmy from a personal instance requires a little bit of work if you wanna start federating with the wider ecosystem and personalize your content. You just simply copy/paste the URL of the community you wanna view into your instances search bar and BOOM! We're federating.

But what I noticed is that you must use your keyboard to search by hitting Enter when using the top search bar on almost any lemmy page, the exception would the dedicated search page. Either way you still have to take two actions in order to search; one action too many in my opinion so lets shorten that.

To side step this I setup two hotkeys using the AutoControl browser add-on. If someone has a better way please let me know!

  • right click hold for 1s = paste+enter
  • ctrl+shift+v = paste+enter

This way no matter which page I'm on or if I'm only using my mouse I can execute one action to paste+search instantly! Makes searching for instances to federate with a breeze along with subscribing to their communities.

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