
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 1 month ago

Just because you don't know the rules doesn't mean they are unwritten.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (5 children)

They did hold a primary. You might have not liked how they ran it. I had my own issues with it as well, but they did and once those votes are in the pledged delegates have to honor the winner from it, which Biden was. Tell me how they could have just taken it away from him without him stepping down again?

[–] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (7 children)

Do you know how Democrat canidates are picked? Biden already had enough pledged delegates to win the nomination.

[–] 12 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Aren't all of the misogynists already voting for Trump? I think just being a younger woman candidate could energize the younger voting base.

[–] 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

So they say, but they also just said the president had immunity for official acts. If Biden did this while at the same time urging Congress to pass judicial ethics laws, who could stop him? Hell, expand it to the federal court system and tell the committee to move fast and prioritize the most unethical judges in key positions and either the Republicans have to play ball with Democrats on passing judicial reform through law or the remaining sane judges reverse a few key decisions to unfuck our current judicial quandary.

[–] 13 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

I'm no legal expert, but could he possibly form a judicial ethics committee to investigate supreme court justices. On any evidence of violating ethics, he could sign an arrest warrent to remove them from the court.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

The only reason I make the bed every morning is because we have dogs that like to lay on it when we aren't home and there is nothing worse when you are crawling in bed at night and finding dirt or sand all in it.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I don't have V-Rising, and I'm sure a lot of this stuff is hardware dependent, but according to a couple of reports on ProtonDB, there might be a kernel bug causing issues with it.

I just installed bazzite on my LCD Steam Deck this week and it has been pretty solid so far, but obviously the hardware support for it is top notch thanks to Valve. I didn't have really any issues with regular SteamOS either and just wanted to try something a bit more customizable.

And really Linux gaming on the Steam Deck feels like cheating, especially compared to trying to run games via wine before the proton days.

[–] 36 points 7 months ago (8 children)

You can use Bitwarden to store passkeys. Not sure if the self hosted solution has support for it yet though.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

I don't think you actually do want an nuanced discussion, but here you go.

Let's start by acknowledging that everyone has different morals which makes basing rules of law on morals a difficult proposal. But let's say that rules for a fair and just society usually come down to that one's rights ends where someone else's begins. Maybe you disagree with this, but I'd say it is a pretty basic standard to make things fair.

So in the abortion debate, the opinion of whether or not the unborn have any rights in society. Some people will say no, that until you are a living breathing human, you are not a part of society and its rules. To theses people, the abortion debate ends there. The unborn have no rights so abortion is justified.

Some people believe that the unborn have just as many rights as anyone else, so then my proposed scenerio starts to come into play. If we can force women to give up bodily autonomy in favor another life, then why not enact similar rules to save others in society as well.

Now, you might say, "hold on a minute, I think that the unborn actually has more rights because they are among the most vulnerable in society and can't live unless they have some rights over the mother's body." Well, in that case then my scenario does seem pretty silly, and to some extent that makes sense, as there are plenty of laws that center around the welfare of children, but none that force specific people to give up bodily autonomy in the same way that forced pregnancy does. I would also expect people in this camp to support laws to support children in need by providing food, housing, and other support they need. So in my opinion, if you support abortion bans but don't support laws that help take of children in need, then you are a hypocrite, especially since social support comes in the form that doesn't force any individual to not have control over their own body. Now a lot of GOP politicians seem to fall in this category, so my scenario is aimed directly at them.

Okay, so say you support the rights of the unborn as well as favor societal structures to also help children in need. This at least I can understand, but I would still say that abortion bans are misguided because they usually end up disproportionately affecting people without a lot of means in the first place and do nothing to address the reasons that women actually get abortions. I would say that if you can start by addressing those things with things like free and easy access to birth control, financial compensation, and fostering environments that teach consent so woman can feel safe turning down sex that can lead to pregnancy. But to try none of those and jump straight to punishing women seems like supporting cruelty in the face of better options.

I look forward to you nuanced response.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Its a probing question to find out where the moral line is. It is a ridiculous proposal for sure, but it is basically the same ask as forcing a woman to carry out an unwanted pregnancy.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Looks like your real enemy are all these strawmen that you keep building your arguments around.

You dismiss my views on bodily autonomy by saying that we who support that stance also support mandatory vaccines when you are the only one advocating for that here. BTW, I don't support mandatory vaccines, but I do support getting vaccines and think by supporting better education among the general population, vaccine rates would stay in the range for heard immunity to kick in for those that can't or just don't want them for whatever reason.

In my view supporting abortion ban is the extreme position here. One that has caused a lot of very real hurt and pain. Way more pain than someone making comments that unborn babies are parasites. I'm sorry that made you uncomfortable, but swinging your support behind the crowd that has caused women to suffer in response seems like a weird reaction to me.

And when I bring up putting your support behind less extreme policies that would actually do more to address the reasons women seek abortions you go off on me about fighting political extremes? What a fucking laugh.

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