
joined 1 year ago

You aren't missing anything. Our Supreme Court is supposed to look at each case and make sure that the law was applied correctly according to the constitution and case law, but has now become an extension of Trump's legal counsel doing backflips to bend (and inow seems also rewrite) the law to his benefit.

[–] TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social 7 points 20 hours ago (4 children)

This is from snippets of Justice Sotomayer's disent I found here.

Sotomayor said that the majority opinion, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, invents "an atextual, ahistorical, and unjustifiable immunity that puts the President above the law." Their ruling, she went on, makes three moves that she said "completely insulate Presidents from criminal liability." Sotomayor said the court creates absolute immunity for the president's exercise of "core constitutional powers," creates "expansive immunity for all 'official acts,'" and "declares that evidence concerning acts for which the President is immune can play no role in any criminal prosecution against him."

[–] TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social 5 points 20 hours ago (2 children)

Yes, under the constitution, which the Court just put the President above. If the President might be immune then anything the President did is not admissible in court now. So how does the Senate even hold a trial, let alone convict a President when they cannot enter any evidence now?

This decision is written in a bad faith way to get Trump out of being tried, and with the knowledge that Biden will not exploit it and the hope that Trump wins and becomes our new king. The "conservative" Justices can get their "gratuity" and retire living out the rest of their lives taken care of.

[–] TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social 6 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

The assassination of political rivals by Seal Team 6 is what Trump's lawyer argued before the Supreme Court. They argued that anything the President orders is an official act, and immunity must apply to it (unless in their bad faith reading of the constitution he was impeached AND convicted by the Senate). But the court also said that if a President is immune, then by this new ruling the Presidents actions cannot be used in court, aka President is above the law without any check in place.

[–] TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social 29 points 23 hours ago (8 children)

I think the intent of this ruling, and certainly the current interpretation is that anything anywhere in the scope of POTUS responsibilities is now above the law. So Trump can, and is going to argue that his insurrection was within his scope of protecting elections and therefore he has full immunity. He has also filed paperwork trying to have his election interference felony convictions overturned based on yesterday's ruling. They have made POTUS a king at the discretion of the court, instead of the beholden to the constitution.

[–] TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social 19 points 23 hours ago (6 children)

If a POTUS is immune can they be impeached? Or maybe impeached but not removed? As typically if one is immune it means they cannot be charged. If one cannot be charged how can they be impeached/removed?

behavioral issues and diagnoses such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism and post-traumatic stress disorder. A medical examiner’s report released with the autopsy findings said the boy who died had ADHD, anxiety, migraines and social challenges, including “a very hard time making friends.” 

Fuck this camp, and fuck this kids parents! And fuck all the parents doing this shit to their kids. Sending your kids off to some camp because they aren't neurotypical is fucking disgusting. And then not any camp, one that locks them up for a condition they have no control over, fucking hell. This is on the same level as all these assholes trying to "convert" or "rehabilitate" LGBTQ+ kids. Leave the kids alone you sick assholes, and deal with your own shit.

Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?* /rant

  • Stolen from Christmas Vacation

Lots of feels ...

The dim lights in that crowded room

They came alive just as soon as

I saw you

As I saw you

What crawls out of a heart like this

Boarded up I’ve laid my bricks

But it’s all coming down

It’s all coming down

And though tomorrow scares the life from me sometimes

And though I know what sorrow means in my bones

And though the rain will always pour

I would rather feel it all than sleep anymore

I’d rather feel it all than sleep anymore

  • Dim Lights by Orebolo

What percentage of Signal users is "grandma" that uses Linux and would be messaging from her PC? I would have to imagine the overwhelming vast majority of Signal users are on mobile only, so packaging for specific distros is probably far down the priority list.

[–] TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

OP, what distro are you running? You mention a whole bunch of package formats they don't provide, but never mention what format you require. Depending on the distro, making a build script (or converting the .deb) really isn't Rocket Surgery ™.

Or, if you are running one of those distros you could just take the .deb and repackage it for whatever distro you're running. Expecting a project to package for every distro, and then be required to support them for every release is a lot of work. And unfortunately some people have no issues expecting from others, but baulk at the idea of doing it themselves.

Sometimes it comes down to support. For every distro specific format you build and package for, the more you need to do with every release (and need the proper config and to be comfortable packaging for each).

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