
joined 8 months ago
[–] 12 points 11 hours ago (2 children)

:O Ive been playing that gameee!! Well actually I gotta reinstall it cuz I played for a bit and accidentally removed it >v< It was the only Animal Crossing I hadn't played and honestly I love it :3

oooo thats such an awesome community! It's crazy how much high-quality SCP content there is :O

hewwo everyfurry(including minimal amounts of hair)!! :3

[–] 27 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Clearly, you dont own an All Natural Calming Product BITE SIZE SOFT CHEWS Helps Anxiety and Nervous Behaviour

omg I went to that link in the watermark and it redirected me to youtube with the search query "factory farming" and it confused me so much x3


made out of this lust flag I found on reddit, I lost the link xP but the subreddit was vexicollogy or however u say that

[–] 44 points 1 week ago (10 children)

I genuinely cant read any of the pencil text apart from the sarcastic extra questions x3

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

LOL just saw X3 it looks "fine" (well, not fine but bigger X3) in Jerboa

Is this better?


A very very VERY modly image of a lil tiny tabby cat putting its paw on their human's open hand while mysteriously looking to the side with the barely readable top text "1st rule of buddy system" and bottom text "always(?) hold hands"

Actually I can see all of those but the two last ones x3

Ok now its deltarune remixes and terraria calamity mod songs and other random similar music

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I made this post while listening to FNAF songs cuz apparently Soundbound thought it was FNAF time

Prepare for the horrors
This night will keep repeating over and over
And over
Until you make it to the e-eeend
They hide 'round the corners
You better peel your eyes and keep looking over
Your shoulder
'Cause you'll never be alone a-gain
[Groovy 8-bit music]


The song "Furries in a Blender" on Soundbound but when I open the "lyrics" theyre just an insanely long list of literally every single SCP

And here's a second image showing the bottom of the list ending with SCP-3999, "I Am At The Center Of Everything That Happens To Me". And some more text saying:

SCP-4000 - SCP-4999 SCP-5000 - SCP-5999 Archived Pages Any pages in a new thousand range will be added in their own separate page as this will stop lag buffer and long lyric pages. Link separate pages corresponding to the series (E.X. SCP Series VII). While optional, putting parentheses after the series # can help others find what they're looking for (E.X. (6000-6999))

Sometimes songs in Soundbound have super long random text as lyrics that looks like when u copy all the text in a web page full of pop-ups and ads or just have the wrong lyrics but this was a surprise x3 kinda fun scrolling with both my hands as fast as I can and see how it keeps going and going x3 no idea why the hell this happens :p

ohhh yes it did! ty! :3

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I had ticked the Hide Votes box since I started using Jerboa but after I opened the app today posts show votes as tiny text above the post (pretty sure it used to be bigger and next to the upvote button) And I cant find a setting to hide votes anywhere



thats it thats the whole post :3


Translated text

Customers who bought this product also bought:
Nintendo - Pokemon Violet 46,99€
DRESHOW - 4 Pairs Women's Sexy Elastic Stockings [...] from 7,99€

The product was this garter belt with a pentagram on it

Recommended for you according to alisikee 2 adjustable garter belt in the shape of a [...]Pokemon Violet 46,99€Urban Coco Women [...] (skirt) 17,98 €



(pic unrelated)

who's ur favorite Sailor Moon sailor soldier

and mlp pony

and anything else too


Instead of: Do you want to chat? -- Hello -- I can help with that -- You're beautiful -- [readable english]

Say: does an evil girl need a henchman? -- meowzz >w< hewwo!! -- yes miss! o7 -- hgjhnhjhnbjbg- awawawawawa >//< -- [nearly incomprehensible sleepy keysmashing]


black and white anime drawing of a girl smiling with her mouth open and eyes closed and her fists up to her chest closed from excitement. Above her is pink text saying: "I'm so happy I want to hug someone kiss them all around and beat them to death"

Source of the drawing:


Drawing description: Three people, apparently two men and a woman, sitting around a table holding cards, it looks like it was drawn around the 50's

Text description:

TV Poker: The Basics

TV Poker is a really just a variation on an old, old game. Put simply, every winning hand forces the loser to don an item of women's apparel.

The man to the left says: Do you get the feeling that Dave is "throwing" this game, Ted?

The man next to him answers: Yes, but with these shirts I'm not sure he's losing

found thanks to this awesome post :3


Image containing text "me is a SLUT" with a finger pointing at the viewer


xkcd comic where a bald stickman (Person1, pressumably male) is walking up to the open door leading to a medium length haired stickman's (Person2, pressumably female) apartment

(First panel)

Person1: "Hey, I was wondering if you had plans for-- Holy crap, what happened to your apartment?"

Person2: "I filled it with playpen balls!"

Person1: "I... What? Why?"

(Second panel, from the point of view of Person1)

Person2: "Because we're grown-ups now, and it's our turn to decide what that means."

In the third panel Person2 is out of frame and Person1 is seen staring at the ball-apartment, then in the fouth panel he's out of frame too, the balls are spilling out of the door and a pink heart is flying out of the room

Perma-link to comic:

I think this was too cute to not be posted here :3 Also did u know xkcd has a youtube channel?! :O

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