
joined 1 year ago
[–] TauZero@mander.xyz 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

windy.com with a VPN in a private browser window. They can't track you if they don't know where you are!

[–] TauZero@mander.xyz 2 points 3 months ago

Yeah, I concede that small caps are more likely to be carried away by rainwater than whole bottles :D. What I meant was that for every loose cap on the ground there is a bottle lying around somewhere, and also there are bottles with caps on. No one is tossing their cap into the bushes and then taking the bottle to the recycling center.

[–] TauZero@mander.xyz 6 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I pick up street litter, and having picked up thousands of pounds, I have never felt that loose caps are a problem, let alone one that requires such a solution. The number of littered bottles, with or without a cap, is greater than the number of loose caps, and the amount of plastic in every bottle dwarfs the plastic in a cap. Fixing the cap to the bottle will do nothing to improve the recycling rate of plastic if entire bottles are already tossed anyway.

I consider the idea of cap tethers as adversarial memetic warfare thrust upon us for some unknown ulterior purpose, possibly to make us hate the very idea of environmental consciousness. Same as paper straws. I like plastic bag bans though.

As far as picking litter is concerned, I personally prefer finding bottles without a cap. At least those are empty, all liquid having evaporated after the bottle has spent several months in the bushes. The capped bottles are often half-full and are just nasty. (Who even pays for a bottle of drink and not drinks half of it anyway?)

[–] TauZero@mander.xyz 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

It is important to remember that, unless accompanied by convincing evidence for selective advantage, any single inheritable trait is more likely to have arisen from genetic drift, not from natural selection! There is, in my opinion, too much focus on conversation about superficial phenotypic traits like "shape of the nose" this and "angle of the eye" that, all the arguments about how one is better than another. Could the asiatic epicanthic fold give advantage against icy winds? Maaaybe... But it doesn't even have to. What about the asiatic dry earwax gene? You'd struggle to even come up with a story of how dry earwax or wet earwax is actually better under certain conditions, or you could just say "it's a single nucleotide polymorphism that could have spread by genetic drift" and be done.

Very few human traits have definitely been naturally selected for: light skin in non-sunny climates for better vitamin D production, sickle cell gene for malaria resistance, lactase persistence for animal milk consumption. Even there, the estimated selective advantage is actually much smaller than you'd expect: lactose tolerance confers only something like 1% advantage! There are many more possible neutral mutations than advantageous ones, and each one has a chance to be fixed in the entire population by genetic drift, meaning that any widespread human trait that is less clearly advantageous than lactose tolerance is more likely to be neutral than advantageous at all.

Even mildly disadvantageous mutations can be fixed by genetic drift, especially in humans since we have had many bottlenecks and founder effects. There was an area in Appalachia populated by blue-skinned people due to founder effect. No one is going to try to argue how having blue skin was actually advantageous for them to blend into their environment! There is an area in Dominican Republic with a very high rate of children born intersex, again due to a founder effect mutation. They are not considered exceptional and live normal lives as their culture has adapted to treat them as routine, as a kind of third gender. But they are not some kind of new level of human evolution, an adaptation for an intersectional era!

The only mutations that definitely cannot spread by genetic drift are those that definitely kill you.

[–] TauZero@mander.xyz 1 points 3 months ago

I knew that motion sickness is triggered by frequent starts and stops and frequent turns, but even I was not aware of how big a contribution the engine vibration makes until I got to experience a ride without it.

[–] TauZero@mander.xyz 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I was apprehensive about EVs but the first time I rode in one I immediately fell in love with it. I get carsick easily, and the super-smooth ride without the chug-chug-chug of an internal combustion engine made the experience surprisingly much more pleasant for me. I do not use a car, but if I had to buy one, I don't think I could ever stomach an ICE again knowing that this alternative is available.


Needed a replacement 700C front wheel for my commuter bike after the old aluminum rim exploded like a looney tunes cannon. It's hard enough to find the right size when there are 3 competing tire/rim sizing systems currently in use, it doesn't help when the people selling the wheels have no idea what the numbers mean either! All of these examples are from separate storefronts at the big online store. Ended up buying the wheel identical to mine from my local bicycle shop at the same price as online and with no shipping fee or delivery time.

The 3 systems in use are the American customary inch fraction notation like 26x1+3⁄4 (which is NOT interchangeable with American customary inch decimal notation like 26x1.75), the French metric notation like 650x45C, and the ISO 5775 metric notation like 47-571. I found the wikipedia conversion tables and Sheldon Brown's tire size chart invaluable.

[–] TauZero@mander.xyz 6 points 10 months ago (1 children)

By some argument, section 103 of the DMCA (which is what grandparent post is referring to) does make it illegal to even talk about DRM circumvention methods.

illegal to: (2) "manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in" a device, service or component which is primarily intended to circumvent "a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work," and which either has limited commercially significant other uses or is marketed for the anti-circumvention purpose.

If youtube implements an "access control measure" by splicing the ads with the video and disabling the fast-forward button during the ad, and you go on a forum and say "Oh yeah, you can write a script that detects the parts that are ads because the button is disabled, and force-fast-forwards through those", some lawyer would argue that you have offered to the public a method to circumvent an access control measure, and therefore your speech is illegal. If you actually write the greasemonkey script and post it online, that would definitely be illegal.

This is abhorrent to the types among us for whom "code IS free speech", but this scenario is not just a hypothetical. DMCA has been controversial for a long time. Digg collapsed in part because of the user revolt over the admins deleting any post containing the leaked AACS decryption key, which is just a 32-digit number. Yet "speaking" the number alone, aloud, on an online platform (and nothing else!) was enough for MPAA to send cease and desist letters to Digg under DMCA, and Digg folded.

[–] TauZero@mander.xyz 2 points 10 months ago

Physical players disconnected from the internet can still receive offline firmware updates included on the discs themselves. The moment you insert a new disc, it automatically executes BD+ code that in theory could patch the firmware to blacklist an arbitrary old disc that you own. This has never yet happened with a previously-legal disc, but then again for example Amazon has never deleted purchased copies of the 1984 book from customers' kindles, until one day when it did.

[–] TauZero@mander.xyz 3 points 10 months ago (1 children)

a standalone drive

Another cool/scary feature of the BluRay spec is offline firmware updates (called BD+). Any disc can contain code that runs automatically and can patch the player firmware or execute arbitrary functions. So if you have an older hacked player and you insert a newer disc into it, the AACS Consortium has the ability to brick it. Or if you "own" an older disc but the Consortium starts to dislike it for some reason (maybe they discovered that the disc was printed by a pirate publisher, or maybe there was a retroactive licensing dispute), they can include code on every newly published disc that blacklists the old disc. Even with a standalone player that you never connect to the internet, the moment you insert any new disc into it, your old "problematic" disc will be unplayable. This has never yet happened with a previously-legal disc AFAIK, but it is possible within the spec. Every player manufacturer must obey the spec and implement the BD+ virtual machine in order to be allowed to read AACS content. And if you hack your player to ignore BD+ code, then the newer disc will not play because its content may be scrambled in a way that only the custom BD+ code included with it can unscramble.

[–] TauZero@mander.xyz 1 points 10 months ago

What’s your solution?

How about we put a metal box in front of the house to put the mail in, big enough for a package, and put a lock on the box such that the delivery person can put the package in but no one can take it out unless they have a key for the lock. You would carry the key around with you.

[–] TauZero@mander.xyz 8 points 10 months ago

But then you have to watch Picard 😢

[–] TauZero@mander.xyz 1 points 10 months ago

A funny culprit I found during my own investigation was the GFCI bathroom outlet, which draws an impressive 4W. The status light + whatever the trickle current it uses to do its function thus dwarfs the standby power of any other electronic device.


To better understand how neural networks function, researchers trained a toy 512-node neural network on a text dataset and then tried to identify features within the network that are semantically meaningful. The key observation is that while individual neurons are difficult to attribute specific functionality to, you can find groups of neurons that collectively do seem to fire in response to human-legible features and concepts. By some metric, the 4096-feature decomposition of the 512-node toy model explains 79% of the information within it. The researchers used an AI nicknamed Claude to automatically annotate all the features by guessing how a human would describe them, like for example feature #3647 "Abstract adjectives/verbs in credit/debt legal text", or the "sus" feature #3545. Browse through the visualization and see for yourself!

The researchers called the ability of neural networks to encode more information than they have neurons for as "superposition", and single neurons being responsible for multiple, sometimes seemingly unrelated, concepts as being "polysemantic".

Full paper: https://transformer-circuits.pub/2023/monosemantic-features/index.html
also discussed at: https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/god-help-us-lets-try-to-understand
and hackernews: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38438261


All the McD*nalds in my area have been upgraded with order kiosks. Regardless of all the controversy around self-checkout, and minimum wage, and automation taking our jobs, I personally love them. I can take my sweet time composing my order, I can see the full selection (such as it is), I can see pictures and prices clearly without having to strain my eyes to read 12pt font on the tableau, and I don't have to shout at the cashier to be understood or struggle to hear back. I really believe this is the right way forward.

My only complaint so far has been that the order kiosks only accept card. There is actually a way to pay by cash that the machine never lets you know about - you have to press "cancel" on the keypad when it asks to insert card, and then the screen gives you an order number to give to the human cashier (each store still has one register open) so you can pay in cash. So I still have to wait on line, but at least my order selection is locked in, I can have exact change ready, and there isn't usually a line anyway anymore.

I know all yall Europeans are proud about your nearly total transition to cashless economy or whatever, and you like to boast how not a single euro banknote has graced the inside of your wallet in months. However I personally like cash, and I genuinely believe that a cash payment system is a necessary element of a liberal democracy and secure society. So at least understand my pleasant surprise when I saw these reverse-ATM cashboxes at this restaurant. They work and were being actively used too! (It spat out my dollar coins though, those bastards!) I hope they find their way into more places.


It is said that ACs are counterproductive in fight against global warming, in that while they may make the local environment temporarily livable, the greenhouse gases produced while making the electricity needed to operate them heat up the rest of the Earth by much more than the relief from the AC itself. By how much exactly is that? Note that here I am interested in the global impact of greenhouse gases specifically, not in the local heat island effect (given how ACs do not destroy heat but only move it from inside to outside, and add extra heat from running the compressor itself). Let's also assume all electricity comes from fossil fuels (ACs might become a viable solution if 100% of AC electricity came from renewable solar, which is actually a reasonable goal to strive for given how both AC and solar are most active during the day, but at the moment most of electricity delivered to me specifically, for example, comes from natural gas.)

Here's my estimate. Let me know if it is reasonable! Methane has energy density of 891 kJ/mol, burnt into CO2 at 1 mol : 1 mol. Gas turbines have efficiency up to 60%. The radiative forcing of CO2 can be calculated as: ln(new ppm/old ppm)/ln(2)*3.7 W/m**2. For example the 131 ppm increase in CO2 since 1750 up to 411 ppm has a radiative forcing of 2.05 W/m**2 (is that across the entire Earth's surface? or only its crosssection?), and CO2 has persistence in atmosphere for at least 1000 years. The atmosphere composition is 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen 0.9% argon so its molar mass is:

.78 * 28 g/mol + .21*32 g/mol + .009*18 g/mol = 28.7 g/mol 

And total atmospheric mass:

4*3.14*(6.37e6 m)**2 * ~10000 kg/m**2 * 1000 g/kg / (28.7 g/mol) = 1.78e20 mol

Suppose 8 billion people each run 1kW AC for 1 year, with electricity from natural gas. (That's similar to our total current global energy consumption of 20TW, though of course we use power for things other than just AC or electricity, but also most energy comes from coal and gasoline not just gas, and 80% comes from fossil fuels not renewables.)

8e9 people * 1000 W/person * 60*60*24*365 s / (891e3 J/mol * 0.6) = 472e12 mol

That's 472 teramols of CO2 (20.8 gigatons) added to the atmosphere each year, or 472e12 / 1.78e20 * 1e6 = 2.65 ppm (parts per million). It is believable that having done so for a hundred years we have raised CO2 concentration from pre-industrial levels up to 411 ppm. The radiative forcing is:

ln((411 ppm + 2.65 ppm)/(411 ppm)) / ln(2) * 3.7 W/m**2 = 0.0343 W/m**2

Or for the whole earth:

4*3.14*(6.37e6 m)**2 * 0.0343 W/m**2 = 17.5 TW

What is my individual contribution for 1 hour?

17.5e12 W / 8e9 / (24*365) = 0.25 W

That is, if I run my 1kW air conditioner for 1 hour, the entire Earth will be solar heated by an extra 0.25 W for the next 1000 years. That doesn't sound like much, but it adds up over time: I spent one kilowatt-hour in one hour on cooling, but the rest of the Earth will be heated by an extra 0.25 W * 24*365 hours = 2.2 kilowatt-hours in the next year, and again every year thereafter. Multiply that by 8 billion people or a hundred years and it adds up a lot, even considering the heat is distributed across entire planet surface not just areas where people live.

So my answer is 1 kWh of cooling = 2.2 kWh of heating per year for the next 1000 years. By same calculation in terms of mass, 1 kg of CO2 = 7.4 kWh of heating for every year thereafter. Is this accurate?


Everyone is armed all the time and that's normal, but to draw a weapon is an overt hostile act. A standoff therefore is a game of chicken because both want to kill each other and you want to draw first to have the highest chance of surviving, but even a bandit will hesitate to add a felony murder charge to their rap sheet. The whole town serves as witness when there is a pair of eyes behind every shuttered window. The hero always draws second, both demonstrating his superior skill and speed by defeating the opponent even at a disadvantage, and getting away with murder scot-free.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/2144441

Huge if this is true. Claim is: They have attained superconductivity at room temperature and ambient pressure. Also superconductivity holds till 127 C.

There is a discussion on Hacker News

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by TauZero@mander.xyz to c/memes@lemmy.ml

Image description - Cuphead Rage Flower meme
Me seeing cheap and expensive nuts mixed together for sale on the shelf
Me buying expensive nuts and mixing in cheap nuts myself

[Edited for CAPSLOCK]

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