
joined 1 year ago

Has anyone seen this metaphysical sci-fi flick?

As I understand it, it did terrible at the box office. The trailer is amazing to look at, so I’m wondering if there is anything of substance to be found. I’ll be watching it tonight or early this week.



I’m sure I’ll enjoy the heck out of it, but after Minus 1… Everything else just looks like fluff.

(But, hey… I like fluff!)



I was introduced to The FP back in 2011 thanks to a now defunct podcast. Having recently rewatched the film, and since the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th films are free in the U.S. on Tubi, I figured it was time to rewatch Beats of Rage and then finally check out the next 2 films. Still love The FP, still enjoy Beats Of Rage, and so far… Escape from Baku is… weird. LOL


Happy 60th anniversary to Doctor Who!


[–] TSPandOE_Pods@lemmy.ml 3 points 10 months ago

Absolutely agree on all counts!

[–] TSPandOE_Pods@lemmy.ml 2 points 10 months ago

I really need to find a GOOD printed copy of the original stories. I tried reading it years ago on a digital copy and the text recognition scan was so bad, I gave up.


What does everyone think about this attempt at a new franchise from Disney? I remember seeing it in the theater and I really enjoyed it! I had hoped we would see more in the 'John Carter' universe, but that was not to be. Poor marketing is often blamed, as is critics suggesting it was "derivative".