
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 week ago

It’s definitely the smaller viewports that give the most trouble, and as I am a stubborn mini phone user, I make sure that my projects are responsive to smaller screen sizes.

The other part is that I’m not a front end dev, so these are just my personal projects and I don’t know all the hacks to really optimize layouts on smaller screen sizes.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Neat, just what I would expect from user

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

At first glance the rules seem to make sense and be straightforward until you start dabbling into screen size responsiveness and display and layout rules and then you get into questions like “what the hell is flex box and how is it different from flex. Why is this element randomly wrapping, selector specificity is joke and everything’s made up and the rules don’t matter.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

I don’t hate you Bobby

[–] 19 points 1 week ago (9 children)

CSS was designed by someone truly deranged. I hate front end so much

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

The hype was for its star studded cast. The movie itself was also a chuckle but was really obvious for its critique and satire.

[–] 18 points 2 weeks ago

The Barbie movie isn’t attacking men, it just lampoons society using the Barbies and Kens as silly caricatures.

Maybe it has a slight vapid girl power message but the real message is “hey remember this Barbie doll? Give us money”

[–] 22 points 2 weeks ago (9 children)

Dude, consider getting therapy. You need to learn to love yourself first

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

An open source algorithm that the user base can see and understand how it works is different than a closed source algorithm that serves to benefit advertisers more than users

[–] 36 points 2 weeks ago

Magistrate Judges can be literally anyone in the US

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago

The card number is your username, a physical card is a separate factor.

[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago

The fediverse is just hugely left-wing and with a lot of far-flung left wing posters to boot. It’s not an astroturf campaign just a place a lot of outsiders gather.

I don’t know who would pay for this, there isn’t really any moneyed interest that would gain from turning public opinion against meat


cross-posted from: now has retroachievements support! is a web-based retro gaming emulator with support for SNES, GB, GBC and GBA (Premium includes support for even more consoles including N64, PS1, and DS).

The latest update just added retroacheivements support. As far as I know, it’s the only emulator that supports them on iOS that doesn’t require sideloading.


I’m looking for a recommendation for making gifs on iOS. Preferably one that lets you add text and with the option to remove the watermark with a one time purchase instead of a subscription.

Does this community have any advice? I tried a bunch on the App Store but there’s literally dozens and most of them either don’t let you add text or have like a $20 a minute subscription or obnoxious ads with no option to remove


The app is available in the US now. It links to appropriate Apple News articles, Streaming services, has scoreboards and more.

Makes me curious if we see Apple lean more into live sports for their Apple TV+ packages, especially with the NBA contract coming up to match their current MLS and MLB offerings


As a big Zelda hater as a kid, I skipped the series completely. I’ve been going through to experience them all in order now. I really enjoyed the first two games of the series so I expected to like this one too. What I didn’t expect is was that it really is one of the best games on the Super Nintendo if not one of the best games of all-time.


We recently subscribed to AppleTV+ (you get a pretty decent trial from just download the app on a playstation by the way). And are looking for exclusives to watch on the service. Of course everyone recommends Ted Lasso and we have started that. My wife, has already watched through "The Morning Show" and liked it.

Especially looking for good movie suggestions as those don't require as much of a time investment for me.

What does everyone on Lemmy watch on the service?


I’m really intrigued by the video, and the concept but why? 10 years ago I would have loved it, but this guy is wayyyyyy too long.


While I’m dubious of the claim due to the robust permissions management in the latest versions of iOS and Android, it is interesting that a company has come out and said they are doing what everyone is thinking.

And yes they are a subsidiary of the parent of Cox Communications, the ISP, so I would be switching to a competitor ASAP if I had their services


I’ve been determined to finally beat Zelda II and determine that I would do it without save states and without a guide.

I know Zelda II is considered a black sheep somewhat but I really think in some ways it’s more fun than the original although I’d still pick Zelda 1 over II.


We have a MacBook Air 2013 that is on its last legs and we need to replace it. My wife also wants an iPad so that she can read our Apple News+ subscription and watch movies in bed. I feel like the most cost effective solution is to get a keyboard case for the iPad and use it as the laptop replacement. The only thing we use the MacBook Air for is normal web browsing, ordering pictures prints via the web, some home office work using Google Docs, and I use it to remote to my PC when I don't feel like going to my basement office.

I don't see why a keyboard case wouldn't suffice in this scenario. The Magic Keyboard trackpad entices me, especially potentially not having to rewire any muscle memory with normal web usage, using google docs, or when I remote to my PC. But is the web browsing experience nerfed enough by iPadOS that its not worth spending $300 on the Magic Keyboard? Is it better to get the cheaper Smart Keyboard Folio case and try to use the Apple Pencil for the same workflow instead?

Just curious what this community's experience with these accessories are. Thanks in advance for the input.


Sharing this note I made when trying to sync a shared calendar from gmail to iCloud today. The process was frustratingly complex and figured it might be good information for the rest of the community

I’ve been wanting to switch from the google calendar app to the iCloud calendar app but my wife prefers google calendar so getting her to migrate all her events and appointments from gmail to iCloud isn’t reasonable. I thought I’d just add her calendar to my calendar app but was having trouble. You can’t just add it as a subscribed calendar as the link to the calendar doesn’t work. So I thought of adding my gmail account to my iPhone and just syncing the calendars from gmail to my iPhone but her calendar still didn’t show up.

So for some reason this is not advertised by apple and the setting is obfuscated by google so after a lot of trial and error and googling, I found a result that worked.

You can use this link to get a shared calendar to appear in the list of synced calendars from gmail.

Calendars that you only have read permission on seem to be unchecked by default.

Thanks to this website I was able to find this information so follow this link if you need more detailed instructions.

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