AfaIk, Shelter is using the built in work profile of Android, as not every UI/ vendor has made it available to the users. (There is no visible button or option in the settings menu.)
E.g. Samsung smartphones have a "work mode", but the last time I've used it (It may be different in current models), it only allowed for second accounts of selected apps like WhatsApp and hence, was a crippled implentation of the Android feature. My Android 11 Samsung tablet has complete multi user support, not only "work mode".
It's optimised for use against HDBT (hard and deeply burried targets) and high-value targets.
As the article is denoted as a comment, it is not its aim to be unbiased journalism.
In contrast to usual articles, comments usually elaborate on the opinion of the jounalist.
It's about covering your face in public, i.e. on the festival venue it would be O.K., in public transport possibly not.
As far as I understood, was talking about the phonetic alphabet used in the armies of NATO countries, which is standardised by ICAO as Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, ... and is not the everyday phonetic alphabet in each country, e.g. in Germany commonly Anton, Bertha, Cäsar, ... but there are plenty of different versions and variants for each German speaking country.
If we would go back to Latin, it wouldn't be the Latin as spoken by Cicero but some Vulgar Latin, as it is the origin of Romance languages like Italian, with simpler grammar.
Funny, for me it's the opposite. I can and would be glad if I couldn't.
Scarfs, costume masks and medical face masks are allowed in Austria too, but only under special circumstances, e.g. costumes are permitted only for "customs events" (Brauchtumsveranstaltungen) and thus are forbidden for everyday use.
However, you can get fined for wearing a scarf if the police officer perceives it to be not cold enough.
Of course they knew. For Ingvar Kamprad, it was all about saving money. No matter what.
This reminds me on the niche tool in Mathematica I've been using, which has four different assignment oparators for that purpose.
A TV usually comes with a remote, a monitor doesn't. Additionally, you can use it to watch linear TV if you don't feel like making an election.