
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 8 months ago

You can want to be as specific all you want. Doesn't mean the person you initially replied to is wrong, especially given there's a couple of American dictionaries who list that definition. And I'd temper your rhetoric about there being such a divide a bit too, especially when Ohio and Indiana voted for Trump the year he won. Sure seems like there were a bunch of northerners who were thinking along the same lines as those in the south...

Also, no need to apologise for being a prick, you shouldn't give two fucks about what people think of you here. I mean, why should you censor yourself for some randoms who don't know you from a bar of soap? We all have opinions, we should be able to express them how we want. We should also expect criticisms of those opinions though.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

To be fair, they didn't actually say that what the others called it was smart or correct, just that they did call it that. But given nuance can be deduced from people's words, I think we can both assume that the person you're engaging with isn't playing with a full deck of cards...

[–] 12 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Your first sentence is somewhat correct, I'd argue that dealing with any kind of absolute like you have done is incredibly dumb though. Of course being outspoken can get you bullied. It may be less likely in a university/college setting, but it's definitely gonna happen. And your second second sentence is so wrong it's almost comical. Bullying at a tertiary education level is so common that I guarantee there's a bunch of studies done on it and probably a wiki page for it too.

Edit: lol, yep, shit loads of studies (and there's plenty more to be found than just these few), and the wiki exists.

[–] 6 points 8 months ago

Honestly, it's worse, if you're thinking of the Chappelle's Show skit. At least the character Clayton Bigsby is also blind so he literally doesn't know he's actually white.

[–] 7 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

How can that be a classic behaviour? For one, they haven't done it, as illustrated by how hard they've cracked down on any facist behaviour since the cessation of WII. And wouldn't they have had to have done it more than once for it to be a classic behaviour? They've literally been nazists once. They'd have to have been nazists more than once, and gone through the phases you've described for any normal person to call it a "classic".

You know what is an example of a classic behaviour though? Internet "experts" who just trust what they're given and don't do any research about it. Like you've done. Want proof? Read the other reply to the comment you've replied to here. And if that's not enough, explain to me why the German foreign minister hasn't been jailed/charged/etc for these remarks. Never trust just one source.

[–] 18 points 8 months ago

Nah, it's easy to imagine that. Multiplayer. The Nazi team wins. Swastikas everywhere. Pretty sure it's why cod no longer has swastikas in multiplayer anymore (and if I'm remembering rightly, they kept it in the single player as they felt it wasn't offensive as it is given with a hell of a lot of context that multiplayer rounds simply don't have).

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

Actually, she did have HIV in the movie, the screenwriter confirmed it a few years ago. She did have hep-c in the book though.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Which is totally fine. Your usage of them as you did would be called a scare quote.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

You sure as shit don't. They used the quotation marks just fine. So fine in fact, that this usage you are so against is a well established grammatical device, look up "scare quotes".

[–] 7 points 8 months ago (3 children)

If you're American, they're not yanks as they aren't Yankees. But to the rest of us, everyone who is a citizen of the US is a yank, regardless of if they're a Yankee or not. Fair point on the rest though.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

To be pedantic, there was DRM on music purchased on iTunes prior to 2009. Was a bit of a ballache converting that back in the day. Could've been worse though, I do like to buy most of my music physically so I didn't have to convert too much of my collection (still a ballache though cos it was still way more files than I wanted to convert).

[–] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Wait, what? That seems odd. They've deleted music videos from my account (which I had the files for, and the videos in question were also pulled from YouTube etc by the band, so I don't think it's apple's fault they were pulled), but I still have all the music I've made myself. I do back it up every 2 or 3 months (I would cry for the rest of my life if I lost it, I have nearly 2yrs of continuous music), but I've never had to restore it (and this has reinforced why I do back up).

Edit: looked it up, I see the issue now. I don't use Apple music, and every instance I can find of this happening is associated with ceasing that subscription. But I just use iTunes and the iTunes store. Dunno how this would work for you since it's your own music (and I dunno if it'd work for music not in the iTunes catalogue, ie stuff from Bandcamp, qobuz, cough cough less than legal methods, etc), but it would appear all you have to do is log in to your account again and re-download the deleted files.

Second edit: just realised I have lost some actual music from my account. The series of live albums that iTunes directly released from the iTunes festivals they ran like 15yrs ago just came to mind. They're gone from my account. And probably a bunch of others. They were never deleted from my hard drive though.


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