
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Lmao now I know more of your accounts, thanks for making it easier. Keep karma whoring

That wouldn't help you much sadly. This person has at least 10-15 accounts (that I can reasonably suspect based on their boosting history) and they will definitely make even more as people get to know about them. You can expect an increase in shills as kbin becomes more popular too lol.

Kbin has karma, OP is posting from kbin to lemmy

[–] 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

It's a kbin account, we have reputation points here, similar to Reddit karma. Even if they post to a lemmy community from kbin, upvotes and boosts will give them karma

[–] 34 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (8 children)

OP tryna karma farm by boosting the fuck out of their posts when they're new posts (from any account), so that they make it near the top of the hot section and then they downvote the top few posts so that theirs gets pushed even further, seen them doing it a bunch of times. What a loser lmao.

Yes @at-fieldu I know it's you too don't feel left out

[–] 91 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (18 children)

@pollodiabolo, it's interesting that whenever you post, you get boosts from the same set of accounts that downvote every other thread that trends towards the top. And all this happens roughly within a 10 minute stretch! Incidentally, this happens when those other accounts post too! How strange amirite? Wonder if there's an explanation?

@journalism_died @ishitwhite @muftiboy @kilkennygriffin and way more than I can tag here

EDIT: A few more - @jeremyfurzen @riseupagainstthem @ruse-of-metacarpi @johnson_waters @cazzodicristo @at-fieldu

I suspect a bunch more just to be clear, this is not a comprehensive list. But mentioned accounts are beyond a reasonable doubt either the same person or different people collectively vote manipulating.