Are they though? I haven't seen many stories about it but would entirely expect this to be the case. Especially because many are suddenly unemployed.
If the choice is having them help your "enemy" or subjecting them to personal trauma, which do you think they'll choose?
How long before they're not allowed to leave?
I had a brief look and confirmed this is similar to our property taxes in North America. The exception being that it is tied to net worth and not just the value of the property. Overall that might mean you pay more but it depends on your wealth and the rate the canton charges. Interesting though, thanks.
The title was a bit confusing. I think your point is that it should also be taught at parochial schools. There is no doubt this is the case. The thing that gets me is that is comes down to what public (or private to some extent) educations goal should be. I think that schools should teach all topics as it is important to expose kids to all aspects of life and let their passions lead them to a satisfying path. Others think that parents should have more control in restricting what topics are covered. I think there is a way to honour both approaches but there is conflict in its organization.
I'm against child quotas but for education on what exactly population growth and shrinkage entails. Let people understand what the implications and solutions are for the various scenarios of the future. Ultimately I see a profound lack of hope for our futures is leading young people to not want to bring a child into the world older generations have built. I am with them 100%. A solution I have introduced in previous discussions is a suicide pill that any elderly that can no longer be supported by society could take to avoid and painful and lonely death. That has not gone over well, lol.
I'm not a bigot at all. I'm only questioning how practical mass immigration is in the modern age.
What will they do when violence begins in the west? Run away again?
I saw that but the article also listed many recent attacks that were the case.
That covers some Chinese departures over a period prior to trumps policies but there are a lot more nationalities to cover and more recently I would expect the number to increase substantially. Thanks for the info though. I'm sure there's more movement to come.