
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hmm, I don't mind your idea at all but it is hard to implement so I see your trouble. Some folks have given good options but I'll offer a different way to do it. I'd have one attack per player since it is a god, let him wreck house. Maybe increase the number of enemies to accommodate the attacks. Since this is a god regaining their power and their trying to control it I'd have two DCs for their check each round. First DC is if they listen and should be passed most of the time maybe 10 or 15. If they don't then it might be bad for the party but otherwise they attack the target as intended. The second DC should be failed most of the time, maybe 20 or 25. If they fail this DC the the god still acts as ordered but releases a chaos burst as it does. I personally always use the d10000 list of chaos burst, its fun.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I didn't see that but even easier

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I have an SSD and an HDD. There's not room on my SSD for games.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (3 children)

The only thing here is you're well over drinking age and she is awhile away. If that's part of your lifestyle it could be an issue. Otherwise if there's a difference in maturity that's the goal of dating, to find that out. 6 years different may seem big now but it's really not.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Taxis are expensive and have the fuel issue per the post were replying to. They were pretty long winded but busses do take longer than driving yourself that much is true.

[–] -5 points 1 year ago (3 children)

That is simply not true. If hdds were outdated 7 years ago I would have had problems 7 years ago. This is the only game out of the hundreds I have that doesn't work on an HDD. Elden Ring, EFT, Baldurs Gate, Call of Duty, Hogwarts Legacy, hell even Star Citizen works fine on an HDD and that game is massively unoptimized. Having it on its minimum specs isn't an excuse. If it was just a case of load times being bad and assets loading in slowly then yeah sure, they did their best and it's a better experience on an ssd. That's not the case though, talking to anyone, fighting, opening an inventory, just walking, all of these cause a 5 to 30 seconds freeze and the audio is constantly cutting out. There's no excuse for that and this is unique to starfield. I am making room on my SSD to play it because I still want to try the game but claiming I'm the unreasonable one for voicing a problem is absurd.

I could also say that a 1-2 tb hard drive isn't relevant on modern systems anymore. The price difference between a 4tb SSD and HDD is 2-3x the price.