
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Oh, wow. I can't even see that sources are listed when using Voyager because if you swipe up to see it past the voting overlay, it closes the image.

Glad they corrected it 🤗

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (2 children)

MSG = headaches is actually true for many people.

"Effect of systemic monosodium glutamate (MSG) on headache and pericranial muscle sensitivity :

"We conducted a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover study to investigate the occurrence of adverse effects such as headache... there was a significant increase in reports of headache..." SOURCE

In addition, if you add oil to your cooked and drained pasta, it absolutely stops it from sticking vs. not adding oil. Just don't add it to the water, as it's just wasteful.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago

This makes me physically ill.

Cars are the only weapon in the world where you could injure or kill a few dozen people "by accident" and be let off without being held responsible. And it happens all the time.

Even when someone is charged with anything, it never accounts for a loss of human life. It's always some BS traffic violation that might as well be a parking violation.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

A.K.A. "being a new parent." 😂

Except that new parents go through way more than five days of that. 😞

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Thank you for sharing that. I've been aware of Bikeforums, and they come up a lot during searches, but I'll be signing up shortly. They really do have EVERYTHING you could possibly ask for in bike-related topics.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

A pandemonium of parrots. 😂

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Maybe that’s why you don’t have problems with most of sites from Europe?!?

That's an interesting observation. I'm not sure, since I'm in Canada.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago

Thank you. Such a shame. I don't see the point of someone taking time to vandalize a platform like OSM. Such a waste of human life, and other people's time.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Holy hell.

I've seen the odd case of vandalism affecting a few data points here and there. But this looks like millions of data points were affected.


I'm seeing fake roads everywhere, and the map looks like a spider's web.

It's like this on every website that displays the cycleOSM layer: the official cycleOSM site, Openstreetmap, brouter, etc.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (7 children)

I use FF as my primary browser on my desktop, laptop, and mobile devices.

As much as I love and support FF and the Mozilla Foundation, I find that some websites simply need a Chromium-based browser to function properly. It's frustrating as hell.

I wonder how many people tried FF, had their favourite site stop working, and then switched back to Chrome.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Sadly, a lot of people think that stimulants helps with feeling tired. They rely on coffee, for example.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Source says Harvard Health.


This has been bothering me long enough that I figured I'd check to see if anyone else is having the same issue, and more importantly, if there's a fix.

Some websites, like Google Earth or various weather radar sites get so slow that they are unusable in Firefox.

When I load the same sites in Edge, it's blazing fast, as I'd expect.

Even Librewolf chugs on these sites.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: First, thanks for all the input, guys.

I wanted to say that I've tried a fresh FF profile, and the same slowness happens in Google Earth.

I also confirmed that hardware acceleration is enabled.

This problem isn't on all websites. For example, playing actually gives a higher framerate on FF than it does on Edge. So it seems to be that certain websites just suck ass.

Some of you have said that Google Earth on FF works perfectly fine... on linux. At least it seems not to be a FF problem. LOL

EDIT: Opera browser is just as smooth as Edge with G Earth.

POSSIBLE SOLUTION?? Ok, so even though I was able to confirm that hardware acceleration was enabled, and the GPU was active while using FF, and the about:support showed that webrender was enabled, I noticed that on about:config the gfx.webrender.all setting was set to false.

So, I enabled it, and tried again. Google Earth seems much smoother (not as good as edge, but better than before), and Tube Archivist no longer seems to freeze while a video is being played.

Could this be the reason for my issues? If so, why was this option set to false by default?


PICKERINGTON, Ohio (April 26, 2024) — In the wake of the most recent tragedy involving a fatal collision between a Tesla vehicle in autopilot mode and a motorcyclist in Washington state, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) once again urges the Department of Transportation (DOT) to strengthen Automated Driving System (ADS) regulations.

“Many autonomous vehicles on the road today have not been proven to detect all other road users in all situations before they have been allowed to be used on the road,” Dingman added. “Motorcyclists should not be used as guinea pigs for autonomous vehicle manufacturers. The continued allowance of untested autonomous vehicles on our nation’s roadways is unacceptable. The time for action is now!”

To add to that, you should see how these "accident avoidance systems" plow through dummies during tests. You'd have to have been paid off to allow these vehicles on public roads!


I can see far too many privacy issues with copy and pasting text into a website, and/or registering an account which will keep a history of the text checked.

Are there any services available that are noted for being private?

For context, I'm using uBlacklist to manually block website that use AI generated content.


The literal paperwork involved with not getting paperwork is a little much these days!


The United States seems to always have disproportionately high rates of things that kill people compared to other developed nations. 🤔


Any time saved by ordering online and picking up the order has vanished chasing customer support people to fix something that would have taken a few seconds through their website.


Went to order some cat treats and saw that I could get a 25% discount when I sign up for Amazon's subscribe feature.

So I clicked on it and the total in my cart didn't reflect a 25% discount.

When I went back to see what was up, I noticed that the discount went down to 5%.

Unclicking the box will show a 25% discount again...

UPDATE: A commenter mentioned that the text reads "up to 25%", so I went to a different item, added it to my cart and got:

But clicking on that checkbox also brings it back down to 5%.


Is this new, or have online accounts never offered the ability to update your email address easily?


The camera captures so much data, that you can read street signs from the top of the building just by digitally zooming!


I just hope the house numbers aren't similar!

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