
joined 1 year ago

You need to invest in Vault-Tec!

[–] 1 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

You have to share something like this with all of us!

[–] 1 points 20 hours ago

As one Lemmy say that the Trump has the concepts of an idea however word salads his way to communicate with people.

It sounds like Trump may have primary progressive aphasia.

Most aphasia types are caused by stroke or other acute brain injury that damages brain tissue in areas important for language processing. However, a type of aphasia called primary progressive aphasia is a neurodegenerative disease, which results from progressive deterioration of brain tissue in areas important for speech and language. It is often caused by diseases such as s Alzheimer’s or Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration. Although the first symptoms are problems with speech and language, other problems associated with the underlying disease, such as memory loss and personality changes often occur later.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I mean there was a meme about the German Army was sending troops to Poland.

[–] 12 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The police already fairly violent now. Imagine if the police got a carte blanche do whatever they want.

[–] 139 points 1 day ago (18 children)

I don't think Trump is talking about a purge. What Teump is saying that the police should be allowed to get as violent as they want for that one hour.

You know typical dictator stuff.

It was a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B.

Classic kitchen employee right there.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago (1 children)

The Emperor probably should have talked to all his kids.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I always enjoyed the story of 2. Origins and 3 both fall for the same story beats aka "You are the Chosen One. Only you can save the World."

Origins, you are the last of the Grey Wardens in Felderen. Only you can reunite everyone to stop the Blight.

3, only you can close the rifts, reunite everyone, and stop the Big Bad guy.

In 2n Varic actively mocks that in the beginning. Hawke is portrayed as the Chosen One. When challenged, Varic admits that he made it up. Hawke is a nobody in beginning, only kicks start the mage and templar war because of the people that they associated started everything. Cough Anders Cough Hawke really just stumbles from adventure to adventure because of their companions.

It's a story about unintended consequences and how small events can lead into big events.

2's biggest failure was the over use of the same assets. The is cave/house/ruin is the same layout all the other cave/house/ruin. It was fine when it made narrative sense however that it is only for a minority of the time.

The audience is going to get a pack of smokes/some milk. Just like my Dad was going to do, 29 years ago.

Todd Akin, Missouri’s Republican Senate candidate, sparked controversy with a claim, made in a TV interview posted Sunday, that victims of “legitimate rape” very rarely get pregnant because their bodies prevent them from doing so.

Speaking to Charles Jaco on the Jaco Report on St. Louis’s Fox station, Akin was answering a question about allowing abortions in the case of rape. He said, “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

Todd Akin did apologize and then decided to make it worse.

In July 2014, WND Books published Akin's book, Firing Back: Taking on the Party Bosses and Media Elite to Protect Our Faith and Freedom. In it, he said that he regretted apologizing, because "by asking the public at large for forgiveness, I was validating the willful misinterpretation of what I had said." He also defended his original comments and attacked various Republicans for "wronging" him...


This week, the prime minister is in Italy breaking bread with Giorgia Meloni, a leader who came to power at the head of a party built in the aftermath of World War II to maintain the legacy of Benito Mussolini and Italian fascism. Starmer says he wants to learn from and cooperate with Meloni’s approach to migration.

It gets worse. Starmer and his foreign secretary, David Lammy, have also signaled that they will look to European arrangements with Libya and Syria for inspiration.

The promise of social democrats and liberals was that they would restore decency to politics, not take policy tips from far-right governments. Rather than repeating the previous government’s strategy of migrant-baiting and brutality — which was a factor in mobs attempting to burn down people seeking asylum only weeks ago — Starmer should use his majority to chart a different course: one that meets our obligations to protect, rather than harm, people seeking safety and does not attempt to divide us by where we were born.


Image Description

Cookie Monster is excited to eat a massive cookie. Elmo is very excited and is cheering Cookie Monster. There is a man who is shocked and may be trying to get Cookie Monster not to eat the cookie.

Text underneath: Elmo encouraged Cookie Monster to eat the cookie laced with 5,000,000 mg of THC. Cookie Monster didn't know the cookie was laced with THC. Elmo is a dick.


Image Description

A man is pointing at the screen with a large smile on his face. The man has a large brim hat and a cane in their left hand. Top text on screen reads "Cursed magnets". Bottom text reads "I am confunded and perplexed as to how they doth work".


Image Text

A blob of a person peaking over a straight line with a very long nose hanging over the line. Two hands are beside the head. There is writing that says "Kilroy Was Here"

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