
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 2 minutes ago

That word "overt" isn't there by accident.

There's a significant difference between an oligarchic kleptocracy that has to pretend to be a representative democracy and an oligarchic kleptocracy that doesn't have to bother pretending to be anything else.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

I assume it's going to go until World War III, and until the US is an overt kleptocratic police state.


[–] 3 points 2 hours ago

rogue state


  1. state or nation acting outside of the accepted international norms and policies.
[–] 31 points 16 hours ago (6 children)

Israel is a rogue state.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I choose to hold myself to high standards. Writing is one of the great joys of my life, and there are few things I enjoy more than the satisfaction I feel when I do it well.


If someone disagrees or has a problem with what you say then they can just say so and you can clarify.

Would that that were so, but the reality of the internet in this benighted age is that many (most?) who misrepresent another's position do so not because they sincerely try but fail to understand it, but because it serves their purposes to do so, and no amount of clarification is going to overcome that. It's a waste of effort at best, and is actually often detrimental, since saying more just provides them with more fodder for even more fallacies and diversions.

Which is another reason that I write for my own satisfaction.

Thanks for the response though.

[–] 42 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Gee whiz - who'd've thought that the woman who married a rich guy who looks (and notoriously smells) like a gigantic ambulatory drain clog would be so mercenary.

[–] 9 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (3 children)

About three minutes ago.

I had actually written a few paragraphs in response to another thread, but it wasn't coming together right and would've had to have been rewritten almost entirely to get it to my standards, and I just didnt care that much, so I closed it instead, then went to the main page and saw this.

Overall, I would guess that I post less than half of what I write, either because I'm struggling to get it to my standards and don't care enough to keep going, or because I stop and realize that if I go ahead and post it, it's likely that if it gets a response at all it's just going to be some tunnel-visioned ideologue hurling disinformation, fallacies and/or tired emotive rhetoric.

[–] 66 points 3 days ago

So we're supposed to believe that Israel is only at this late date "ready to risk (an) all-out war" that it in fact has brazenly and obviously been trying to provoke for months now?


[–] 7 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Both, I'd say.

Money doesn't create corruption out of thin air - anyone who's corrupted by it already had to have the potential. But money does undoubtedly lead people who otherwise would have resisted their baser nature to indulge it instead.

And it very definitely provides the means for people who are already psychologically and/or morally inclined to corruption, and so is very attractive to them.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

It's a shame that the Israel this author is analyzing is a pure fiction, because the analysis is otherwise solid.

But it all ultimately hinges on pretending that current Israeli policy just sprang into existence after October 7, and could have been something other than what it was, when the reality is that current Israeli policy is just an extension and expansion of policies that have been in place for decades, and there was no other direction it could have possibly gone.

Israel has been oppressing and murdering Palestinians in Gaza, and terrorizing, murdering and stealing the land of Palestinians in the West Bank, for decades now, while most of the west self-servingly turned a blind eye. They didn't just suddenly start doing that after October 7 - they'd been doing it all along. All they did after October 7 really is pull out all the stops and start murdering en masse rather than just sporadically.

Israel would indeed be in a much more secure position if they instead helped establish a stable and non-Hamas government in Gaza and worked toward a two-state solution. But they threw the idea of a two-state solution out decades ago. It's not an accident that the last notable official to publicly promote a two-state solution - Rabin - was assassinated.

Yes - Israel would be better off following the strategy outlined in this article. But they would've had to have started following it decades ago, and notably didn't. By October 7, it was already far too late.

[–] 55 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

There actually is a statistical correlation between conservative, anti-trans political affiliation and a preference for transgender porn, and Texas leads the nation in searches for transgender porn.


[–] 21 points 2 weeks ago

Pure unmitigated evil.


If you need a little pure, unalloyed (Japanese) joy in your life...


NOT the DiCaprio one - I like this one much better.

A hotshot car racer persuades the class president of a small Minnesota high school to gamble on illegal car races to raise money for their school facing closure.

Part teen rom-com and part racing flick, and Stephen Sommers' directorial debut. Good cast - Matt Lattanzi as the caustic, moody and unexpectedly studious racer/delinquent and Loryn Locklin as the beautiful-under-the-frumpy-exterior class president, and the always-great M. Emmet Walsh as local villain Johnny "The Fat Man" Phatmun. Good cheesy fun.

IMDb link


A child witnesses drug dealers murder his parents. He escapes and grows up wild in the city's slums. Years later he emerges to help the residents of the area who are being terrorized by street gangs and drug dealers.

Stylish mid-80s cheese with a screenplay by the legendary John Sayles, a score by George Clinton and a pretty solid cast.

IMDb link

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