
joined 1 year ago

Well, I have this:

Then there are some bits like bemoji (emoji selecty thingy) and getting getting grim (and now swappy!) set up to handle screenshottage, aaand getting Sway to behave (mostly?) like herbstluftwm through tricks like
bindsym $mod+1 [workspace="1"] move workspace to output current; workspace number 1 (which seems kinda odd but whatever; I don't care that much at the moment and it works fine ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ)
Aand there's this lil pile of stuff to get some things to use their Wayland modes (and some other fiddly bits that may not be Wayland-related): MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl QT_WAYLAND_FORCE_DPY=physical ECORE_EVAS_ENGINE=wayland_egl ELM_ENGINE=wayland_egl SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 GDK_BACKEND=wayland which probably isn't all necessary but whatever, somecritter will probably say something if it isn't ๐Ÿ˜…

Never gonna take Terminology with the Nyan Cat cursor away from me, though ๐Ÿ˜Not unless there's something better that also has cats and/or rainbows, anyway.

[โ€“] RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)


Wow, AOL is still a thing? ... Maybe I never left. Maybe I've just been lost in AOL's little... channel things, or whatever they were, for the past couple of decades. Please, somecritter come find me and get me out of here ๐Ÿ™€

Or maybe we're all stuck in there. Maybe the real AOL is the average bellend doing the same vapid shite every day and every night. Maybe it never ends because people never change, as a mass, as the same mess they've always been.

Wooooah, trippy. Anyway I think I just kinda showerthoughtsed myself into rediscovering Eternal September, or at least kinda pondering the concept aloud.

Already got one installed? Zombie plague? Janeway drank all' your coffee this morning? Hmmmm ๐Ÿค”

Har har har! Whew. That one's a lil rough :P

I feel like it's not nearly as hard as people make it out to be, very conveniently excusing their carelessness by insisting that nobody else is paying attention either and sometimes even lashing out at anyone who points out (let alone calls out) a problem, or simply something that could be stated better. Can we stop throwing around "crazy" and "insane" whist people are still being called those terms as an attack based on mental illness? You know, that thing that seemingly everyone has because mental health isn't taken seriously enough? Nah, "words change." How about "savage?" That one "changed" too. Some still think "gay" is a term for anything they dislike. I remember people insisting that word had changed, too. It hadn't, of course. Seems like many (most?) just want to act however pops into their heads without ever thinking about it :-\ Few want to hear they've done anything wrong, even when they clearly very much have; fewer still will bother to self-examine.

I suppose my point is, I think that taking some actual care in how we act and especially _inter_act can reveal these issues before they become "oh wow, tee hee we were so silly back before someone told us that women were people!"

Thanks for the link. Seems like the place could be easier to find :-\

[โ€“] RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

There's a difference between using ChatGPT to help you write a paper and having ChatGPT write the paper for you.

Yeah, one is what many "AI" fans insist is what's happening, and the other is what people actually do because humans are lazy, intellectually dishonest piles of crap. "Just a little GPT," they say. "I don't see a problem, we'll all just use it in moderation," they say. Then somehow we only see more garbage full of errors; we get BS numbers, references to studies or legal cases or anything else that simply don't exist, images of people with extra rows of teeth and hands where feet should be, gibberish non-text where text could obviously be... maybe we'll even get ads injected into everything because why not screw up our already shitty world even more?

So now people have this "tool" they think is simultaneously smarter and more creative than humans at all of the things humans have historically claimed makes them better than not only machines but other animals, but is also "just a tool" that they're only going to use a little bit, to help out but not replace. They'll trust this tool to be smarter than they are, which it will arguably impressively turn out to not be. They'll expect everyone else to accept the costs this incurs, from environmental damage due to running the damn things to social, scientific, economic, and other harms caused by everything being generated by "hallucinating" "AI" that's incapable of thinking.

It's all very tiring.

(And now I'm probably going to get more crap for both things I've said and things I haven't, because people are intellectually lazy/dishonest and can't take criticism. Even more tiring! Bleh.)

COOL?!?!? Of course there should be no need to go find financial aid just to get health care or other basic stuff but since there is, I'm glad things like this exist :3 It's nice to keep bumping into more of them.

25th Anniversary, Judgment Rites, A Final Unity... Ooh, Bridge Commander too! :3 ^.^ Also some of the others, including Harbinger and the Elite Force games and a few I forget the names of ๐Ÿ˜…There are many Trekky funs to be had :3 Hell, I'd even consider doing another run through some STO.

Also, is it just me or is the OP image removed <.<

I don't even see the bot from here. Bleeeeeh maybe I just need to give up and jump ship to a Lemmy instance ๐Ÿ˜… Is not your fault, of course.

I don't think I'd encountered any such commagazines (why'd they have to be named both?!) and that's why I was excited to learn about the one you mentioned. I've already started peeking around in there and finding some interesting tidbits :3

[โ€“] RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social 4 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Do we get freedom with it or do we have to double eternal vigilance to get both? ๐Ÿค”

[โ€“] RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social 2 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Interesting commagazine! ... I don't seem to be able to get to it through kbin :( Am already digging around in there, though, so thanks for the tip :3

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