
joined 1 year ago

Gotcha, thanks. Yeah, I just sometimes see people posting their Comfy UI workflow images and wonder if the grass is greener...

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I've neglected SD for a bit. Is A1111 still the best SD tool, or is Comfy UI (or something else I've never heard of) now the favorite?

I've always been fine with A1111, but I feel like complex workflows get hard to track and troubleshoot.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Huh... That's really not nice.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Maybe the command line version is consistent, but day to day I prefer not to do command line. I've tried like 5 different GUIs and they all have failed downloads, incorrect formats, and other issues just doing test downloads. I don't know why, but it's been a problem every time for me.

[–] 7 points 4 days ago (8 children)

You should listen to all the yt-dlp comments, but I've always had trouble getting all the yt-dl variants to just download the best version and subtitles consistently.

I use 4K Video Downloader, and it's easier to use. It has a 30 video per day limit is all, which is more than I need.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I thought you were going to say California or New York. If you think Minnesota won't be in play in November, you haven't been paying attention to 2016 and 2020. Minnesota is not immune to rural grievance demographic shifts and it's been too close for comfort lately. Please vote like your vote will actually affect the election.

Yup, but I take it as a good indication just how desperate the electorate is for someone who is just generally seen as a good, competent person.

[–] 15 points 5 days ago (2 children)

There's no quiet part anymore, it's all just loud.

[–] 20 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (6 children)

I think the most interesting thing about the debate fallout is that republicans, who usually will pile on and gaslight and push the Overton window to the right no matter what the reality is, are basically impossible to even hear over the distress and doomsaying on the left wing.

That's because we're doing their job better than even they could.

Look, it was a bad debate performance, but this is 2016 replaying all over again, and these repeated commentary cycles are overkill. We're focusing all our attention on a non-representative bad detail for a democratic nominee. Republicans love that for us, and it's fantastic for them. We are letting a less-than-two-hour block consume us, our momentum, and drain our morale. And every second we're not focusing on Trump and him being a (thanks to the Supreme Court) literal king, and what that could mean for us, is another shovelful of dirt out of democracy's growing grave.

I get it - everyone is screaming "Biden should drop out" with the best intentions (mostly). Trump is the anti-Democracy. He needs to be stopped. But I actually don't think the debate was bad enough to warrant all this desperate doomsaying. I know what Biden is. He's a well-meaning but old guy who probably needs time and the support of his staff to understand every issue. But - sorry if this pegs me as crazy - that doesn't really bother me.

And Republicans have been spending the last 8 years learning to distort Trump-related reality - not only ignoring inconvenient truths about Trump, but actively Orwellian double-speaking ahead of time. They are much much better at this, even without this unforced error. So unless we're ready to get out in the streets to demand Biden step down (which republicans certainly have wet dreams about), or can personally call up Biden to convince him to drop out, I'd suggest we stop feeding these self-destructive news cycles.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Honest question: What should democrats do to reverse the Supreme Court?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The "aspirational brand" value is a bit of Apple-ception, though. The really, really, luxury-level wealthy people buying Vision Pro, to inspire the just really wealthy people to buy the Vision Basic or whatever it's called. It still is the price of the highest-end iPhone, and it's far less functional.

I wouldn't be surprised if they treated the Vision Pro as Apple's version of the beta product - top-down rather than bottom-up testing.

This is what I came here to respond. If I recall, there are some good hi-res mods for the PSX emulated versions.


Sorry if this is redundant, I didn't see another thread focused on reactions to the game itself (just the Pokemon-ripoff news cycle).

I tried it on GamePass thinking, why not - might as well see how overhyped it is. And unexpectedly, I put in about 8 hours this weekend.

Despite some rough edges and some very clear inspiration, I am actually enjoying it. It has a very satisfying gameplay feedback loop and is an overdue (if involuntary) "modernization" of the basic monster-collector format.

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