
joined 1 year ago
[–] RTRedreovic@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 1 year ago

I agree with and am aware of many things you wrote.

I have to disagree with your assessment comrade, if white rice were not reinforced (thankfully this is done by using the ground up husk of the rice grain they just broke up) and you ate it everyday, you would certainly have vitamin deficiencies, potentially lethally so. Is this considered healthy? It's the same problem as eating lean meat, it can be lethal if you rely on it too much and people should know this is a risk.

Yes, that is why I said a Balanced diet should be vouched for. Adding more, a well researched and analyzed balanced diet that, as I said, is according to the physical requirements of the person.

As someone who lives in India, the society here is dominated by Brahmanvadi culture and they force highly carbohydrate rich diets on their people, this leads to malnutrition if other nutrients are not supplied in case of most of the lower class and caste families and fattening in case of more well off families. My family comes in the second group and I have been trying to combat this error in our lifestyle however my parents are very resilient to that change towards a more scientific approach. They simply do not look at food through a scientific lens which is implied considering they are religious.

Rice is a daily staple food in many parts of the world; I agree that people should diversify their diet, but this is easier said than done! (And I'm definitely not the most diverse eater). Replacing white rice with more whole rice, and doing the same with flour, is a simple switch that is more healthy.

Well yes, there are definitely financial and distributory constraints. Taking India as an example where 80 Crore people out of 130 Crore are food insecure and rely on the government to procure grains, only grains. Their diets are quite restrictive and it is evident in their physique. I was speaking more or less with the assumption that the reader can afford to be able to make necessary changes to their diet. Considering they are on lemmy afterall.

Healthy encompasses more than something being non-toxic, I take a very analytical approach and essentially place a healthy diet as something that hits your recommended nutrient quotas.

Yes, that is what a balanced diet is.

Junk food uses the trifecta of sugar, salt and fat to become pleasing and potentially addictive. 5g of salt a day is the maximum recommended amount, but most people consume more than that -- a Whopper at Burger King contains 9 grams of salt. It's also the calories and the feeling of fullness; many people (it doesn't seem to affect everyone) report still feeling hungry after eating fast food or junk food which encourages them to eat something more. The whopper I mentioned contains 678 calories already (just the simplest whopper with no cheese), where most people need ~2k every day

Yes, to maximize their profits, Food Corporations use these methods. The consumption can still be limited and neutralized by exercise of course. Of course it is not recommended to introduce regular consumption of Fast Food to diet but that one occasional treat won't do much harm. You only have one life afterall.

So for example, I have cut out all added sugar in my food and substituted them with Stevia or Sucralose only when necessary, usually milk or Coffee. I also try to self serve so that I take only as much as I require. Because as a student, I really do not need too many calories.

Reducing your carb intake is actually healthy, as high-carb diets are a driver of type 2 diabetes. Fibres (a type of carbs) are also very important, and white rice has almost none whereas parboiled rice has 4 times the contents.

I am wary, yes.

[–] RTRedreovic@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

There is no good rice or bad rice nor is there any healthy or unhealthy food, this is a very old and rather vague concept. If a person is focused on good health then a good and balanced diet should be vouched for instead. If something is edible and has no toxic effect then it is food, the nutritional requirements chart after that needs to be analyzed according to one's physical needs and planned. You can consume 'junk food' as well but that requires you to balance your overall diet by making up for that extra fat you consumed, that is if you are actually focused on good health.

Like you said, if White Rice has more Carbohydrates while other Rice types have less Carbohydrates and more proteins then choose any but balance the diet accordingly. So for example if you choose White Rice then make up for the lost protein by eating foods containing protein, likewise if you choose wild rice then make up for the lost carbohydrates by eating other foods. And of course then there are other Nutrients as well.

The entire objective is to obtain nutrients, however way you do.

[–] RTRedreovic@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Don't feed the troll. These Upper Caste fucks only know how to bootlick the Hindutvadi regime.

[–] RTRedreovic@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 1 year ago

Quite the same story for me. Each temperature range seems to sort of turn the coffee into slightly different beverages and each of them feels good in their own right even though it is just coffee.

[–] RTRedreovic@lemmygrad.ml 7 points 1 year ago

There are. It was surprising to me but apparently there is a decent number of people who use edge on Linux.

[–] RTRedreovic@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 1 year ago

This is true. I am unsure why this comment is getting downvoted more.

[–] RTRedreovic@lemmygrad.ml 0 points 1 year ago

Part of Mozilla's funding comes from Google. I adore their browser and other software however the corporate itself has a questionable history as it is with many corporates usually anyway.

[–] RTRedreovic@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 1 year ago

Greetings. uBlock Origin is a great choice. However I must add that you should instead opt for a custom user.js and drop Privacy Badger and Decentraleyes as they are mostly redundant. Refer this.

As for Startpage and DuckDuckGo, I suggest avoiding them. These are not open source search engines and have a suspicious and questionable history regarding their ethical position. I suggest SearXNG. It is an open source Meta Search Engine, i.e., it congregates results related to your search from multiple search engines without giving them your IP. As it is open source, it is self hostable (you may request your instance admin to host one if you wish to) and multiple instances exist. Make your selection here.

[–] RTRedreovic@lemmygrad.ml 16 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Firefox is a great browser to switch to, it has a vast variety of customizability in configuration. It is a very flexible browser and it has helped me a lot in the past few years.

As a further suggestion on top of it, do use a custom user.js to harden your browser even more, set up your DNS Resolver to use Quad9 or any other private DNS Server like Scaleway, NextDNS, etc.

I also recommend using Oblivious DNS over HTTPS for added security.

I am on a Freedesktop Linux system hence I refered to the Archlinux Wiki in setting the beforementioned configurations up.

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