
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

The water one was the one I couldn’t figure out. That’s the only one I looked up.

I see a trend here, also had issues figuring out that that puzzle and had to resort to google.

I liked the battles though, so maybe I should pick up Engage…

Engage's story is kinda silly, but the maps are fantastic. I highly recommend the game if you're more interested in the battle portions.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

If you like VNs check my comment history, I play a lot of these and post my opinions on these weekly threads.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Finished Ginka!

Overall a good VN. Ginka was a great character and I loved seeing all the different sides of her, there were some good twists, and even a nice epilogue showing a bit of the character's lives after the ending.

Finished The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom!

While I still prefer more "traditional" Zelda games, this was a blast to play. The developers seem to be experimenting with a middle ground between the old-school games and more open-world entries like BOTW, and I think they did a really good job here.

There's a few annoyances that could be improved in a sequel, like the lack of good rewards for exploration/puzzles and some clunkiness in the combat, but nothing major.

And since this is a topic a lot of people ask, the performance problems are definitely noticeable and I would have preferred the game to stick to a locked 30FPS, but again it didn't hurt my enjoyment of the game.

Since I finished Zelda 5min ago I haven't yet decided what I'll play next. 😅

Leaning towards towards another VN, in which case Emio: The Smiling Man or Atri: My Dear Moments (link to the Japanese eShop) are the strongest candidates.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Finished Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Gambit (part of Ace Attorney Investigations Collection)!

This game deserves all the praise it gets. Every single case is great, there's some fantastic connecting and foreshadowing between them, plenty of fun callbacks and references to older games, and excellent character development for the cast members - I still can't believe they got me to like Eustace and Gavelle by the end.

Not much more to add here - this is a must-play for everyone who enjoys this series.

Finished Cat Quest III!

The developers clearly tried to go with the "quality over quantity" direction in this one - the world is smaller, there's far less quests and dungeons to explore, but on the other hand they're far more diverse and interesting than the ones in the previous games.

The game is also very open - after you pick up the boat (~5min into the game) can travel anywhere in the map. Which is both good and bad, the exploration is more fun than ever but it's also easy to get lost or end up in areas where you're too weak to explore, and I definitely miss some of the QOL features from the previous games like recommended levels for dungeons and quests.

In the end, I think it is the best game in the trilogy, but it's also the hardest one to get into - I'd definitely recommend Cat Quest 2 over this one for more casual gamers.

Playing Ginka!

A new VN I picked up recently. It's a mix of slice-of-slice and supernatural mystery, and has you try to figure out the disappearance of the MC's childhood friend Ginka, who vanished 5 years prior to the game but suddenly reappears without memories and looking exactly the same she did all that time ago.

I'm really liking the pacing on this one, and Ginka is adorable. Reached a major twist, and I'm very curious where the story will go from here.


To be more accurate, BOTH Ginkas are adorable.

Playing The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom!

Wasn't expecting to get my physical copy on launch day in South America, so when it arrived I could not resist booting this one up and playing for a couple hours. 😆 Ended up finishing the first "dungeon" and so far I'm loving it.

But since I think I'm close to the end on Ginka I'll try to finish that one first so I can focus properly on Zelda.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Your friend has good tastes. 😄

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Finished Hatsumira: From the Future Undying!

A solid, well-produced and fun VN.

The highlight is definitely the side cast - there's a lot of fun characters, including a few I would argue are more interesting and/or better developed than some of the main heroines. The lead character is great too, he adds a lot of personality to the game.

But there's two big problems with the game: First is the localization, which goes way too far trying to make the dialogue more "colorful", adding so many accents that even reading the dialogue gets difficult sometimes. The second one is extreme imbalance in screentime between the heroines - if you're playing this game because you got interested in one of the late-joining heroines like Meltyna or Rhea you're going to be seriously disappointed.

Playing Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Gambit (part of Ace Attorney Investigations Collection)!

Finished the third case and it's easy to see why this game is so well-regarded - the quality of the cases so far has been excellent. Turnabout Legacy (Case 3) felt as gripping as some final cases in other games due to its connections with Edgeworth's father and Von Karma.

The one thing I really dislike so far are the main "antagonists" - Judge Gavelle and her "helper" Eustace Winner. I'm guessing this will be explained in one of the latter cases, but it bothers me how the game keeps portraying Gavelle as an intelligent and capable person, yet has her supporting Eustace's stupidity and constantly antagonizing Edgeworth even when he's right.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Only played a couple hours, but don't remember anying that looks like a connection between the two.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (3 children)

Finished The Messenger!

My summary of this game is "amazing side scroller in the first half, mediocre metroidvania in the second half". Which is kinda surprising because I absolutely love metroidvanias and was looking forward to see how that part of the game was going to be, but I felt it lacked most of the things that make that genre fun.

Finished The Messenger - Picnic Panic!

Also decided to clear the DLC before moving on, which was fun but quite short. But I can't complain since it was free.

Playing Hatsumira: From the Future Undying!

Chapter 2 introduces the mermaid tribe and the next heroine Meltyna, and in Chapter 3 we meet the dwarves, the undead tribe (!) and the final heroine Reah. This is followed by a very short Chapter 4, after which the game forces us into Yukikaze's route.

He route deals with final battle against the Evil Empire™ and it was a fun and action packed route, but there's one thing that really bothered me: There's zero appearances of the other heroines. At least you get to see Aliah's side of the final battle when you play her route, wonder if the same will happen on the other two.

Currently around halfway into Meltyna's route with 86% total progress and expecting to finish this one over the weekend.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Hmm… I think I can agree that overall it’s weaker than the first one. If it’s the weakest game, then I can hope for a better next game, sound great.

If you ask 10 people "rank the Ace Attorney games" you'll get 10 very different answers (which IMO shows how consistently good the series tends to be), but there's three games that tend to hang near the top of most lists:

  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
  • The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
  • Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Gambit

This last one is the only AA game I haven't played yet, but I can definitely say that the first two are my favorites so far.

Really hyped to get the Investigations bundle, will probably be the next "main" game I play once I finish Hatsumira.

The Messenger is REALLY good. I wasn’t much interested in the game initially, but loved the tight gameplay when I got into it.

I'm getting a bit frustrated with some aspects of the game (mainly the excess of cheap deaths), but overall it's really good. I got to the part where it turns "metroidvania" and it was a really cool change.

[–] 3 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (3 children)

Finished Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All. That last episode was something else. Probably the strongest one in the series yet. It was also great to see the character progression. Still have one game left in the trilogy, but will play it later.

I think JFA is overall the weakest game in that trilogy, but that last case more than makes up for it. It's an S-Tier case and one of the most memorable in the series.

Finished Cadence of Hyrule!

Side game #1. Played mostly with Link and enjoyed it, but not as much as the original Crypt of the Necrodancer.

I think what annoyed me most was the uneven difficulty - it's really hard at first, then you get a good weapon and a couple heart upgrades and breeze through most of the game, only for the difficulty to spike up again in a nasty final dungeon before the final boss.

Playing The Messenger!

Side game #2. Pretty good Ninja Gaiden clone so far, challenging but not unfair. Just reached the "Searing Crag" area.

Playing Hatsumira: From the Future Undying!

Chapter 1 was stupidly long, by the time I finished it the in-game progress display was at 24%!

It focused on the beastman tribe and the second heroine Alilah, and overall was a good section. Highlights were the side-characters, which I liked way more than the main heroines so far - Lyth, Fal, Curio and even the three beastman warriors were great.

Also hoping we get less sections where it shifts the POV to the villains, because even though those sections were short they still managed to bore me to tears.

Anyway, Chapter 2 is looking like it's going to be a breather episode focused on the resistance with more worldbuilding. Current progress is 18% into Chapter 2, 26% overall.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

And, then… there’s my mystery game. It’s done and it was Danganronpa V3.

Oh, so that was the secret game! I was very curious about it after the last post.

.... and yeah, I wasn't very impressed with that one either when I played it years ago. The twist in the first chapter was cool, but after that it never got anywhere near as good as the previous two games and like you said the ending was terrible.

I'm glad Kodaka moved on from the series to try new things after that. Master Detective Archives: Rain Code was quite enjoyable, and while I don't think it's as good as the first two Danganronpa games the overall mood of the game was fantastic (Kanai Ward was such a cool location) and got me wishing for a sequel in the future.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

I love the Cat Quest games. The games themselves are simple, but still pretty fun, not to mention the humour and all the cat (and dog for Cat Quest 2) puns.

They are so good. Extremely simple but so fun, everyone I know who tries those can't stop playing.

I see you are still dealing with the consequences of your VN Madness Month. Good luck!

Definitely paying for my sins here. 😅 But at least it came in a good time, I've been in a good mood for playing VNs these past few weeks.


Getting strong Goemon / Mystical Ninja vibes from this one, looks really fun.

Demo available:


As usual, I recommend browsing through instead for a better navigation/visualization.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

I bumped into this video in another site, and since according to I'm the community’s "unofficial head of VNs" I figured I should post it here. :D

I've played most of these so I'm adding my comments below.

Status: Finished.

I think this one is more of a point-and-click adventure game than a VN, but it's a really interesting and quirky one.

You play as a futuristic detective investigating cases with the help of an AI partner residing in a prosthetic eye. Gameplay is split between investigations and "Somnium" sections where you dive into people's subconscious minds to find things they are trying to hide from you.

There's also a sequel which I liked even more than the original game.

Status: Finished.

An amazingly comfy game. You play as a bartender in a dystopian cyberpunk future just trying to make it through the month without being evicted.

I love how much worldbuilding you get from just hearing the news on the TV and chatting to people.

It's also hilarious how you can actually affect some characters' storylines by getting them too drunk. :D

Status: Finished.

This one is a classic. Play as a very unlucky defense lawyer who gets the worst possible cases and have to somehow prove your client is innocent.

Personally I think 3 > 1 > 2, but all three games are great.

There's also a newly-released pack with the second trilogy, featuring new main characters, and a bundle with a prequel duology starring an ancestor of the main character on Victorian ages.

Status: Finished.

A very dark story, and it takes a while to pick up steam (I only started truly enjoying the game during the third "door"), but the payoff is amazing and the game is definitely worth playing.

You play as an amnesiac who after awakening in a mysterious mansion starts exploring "doors" that show you tragic events that happened in that house over the centuries, while you slowly try to figure out who you are.

The Switch version has a lot of content - besides the main game there's a prequel ("A Requiem for Innocence"), a sequel ("Reincarnation") and a bunch of side-stories.

While I think the sequel is significantly weaker than the rest of the game (and has a far less interesting artstyle), all the content was worth going through IMO.

Status: Finished.

Weird, quirky and dark - you play as students trapped by a crazy murderous bear who tries to pit them against each other with promises of freedom to whoever manages to commit murder while avoiding being caught.

In some ways it resembles the Phoenix Wright games, mixing investigation sections and courtroom sections, but it's much darker and has a very unique style featuring a lot of minigames during the courtroom sections - as an example, in Phoenix Wright you simply choose the statement that contains a lie and the evidence that proves it, while in this game the statements keep flying non-stop around the screen and you have to manage shooting the lie with a "Truth Bullet" created from evidence you collected.

Status: Finished the original version on a PSVita, played a bit of Elite.

This is my favorite VN ever, and while I do prefer the original art this is still absolutely worth playing. A crazy story about a group of nerds accidentally bumping into time travel, and all the mess that comes up from this.

If you've seen the anime then you already know all the main story (the adaptation was excellent), but the VN has additional routes for other characters and extra worldbuilding, so I still think it's worth reading through.

One warning though: The true ending flags are kinda annoying, so don't be afraid of using a guide if you get stuck. This tends to a be a problem with most games in the Science Adventure series. :/

Status: Finished.

This is one of my biggest VN surprises. A game by Kemco, the company that keeps pushing all those budget RPGs? With an atypical art style? This can't be good, right?

Well, this one turned out amazing, and it's probably my #1 recommendation for someone who wants to experiment a more traditional VN.

The story starts with the MC getting stuck in a village in the middle of nowhere with a broken bike, while strange murders start to happen which the villagers claim to have been commited by "wolves" infiltrated among them.

It's heavily inspired in the Werewolf party game, with a branching storyline and a fantastic cast - the MC in particular is one of the my favorite VN leads ever.

Status: Playing.

I've played the first chapter, and plan on continuing it soon. Amazing presentation, I've described it before as a "non-stop stream of beautiful artwork".

It's part of the "Nasuverse" where the Tsukihime and Fate games happen.

Status: Playing.

I heard this is more of a romance story, but so far the things that caught my attention the most were the sports sections.

The concept of this game is "someone created flying shoes, so obviously people came up with a competitive sport using it", and the story revolves around a group of newbie players that the MC ends up having to train.

I really enjoyed the lore and worldbuilding around this - the game designer really put some effort into trying to make the sport interesting, including background details such as how the rules for it evolved over time.

I also like how the OST for the sport scenes feel like they could be battle themes for a JRPG. :D

Haven't played these two, so can't comment much about them.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

IMO this link on DekuDeals is a much better way to check for interesting games:[store]=eshop

Personal recommendation: Mr. Driller Drill Land is an excellent, underrated puzzle game that is less than $5 right now.

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