
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Beware. Drum carders come PRICY. They last for life though. I'm going to get into it, but I'm looking into dying (and making my own plant based dyes from my own garden!!)

Edit: not the only way to process wool though. Processing raw fleece is a lot of work from what I've read up on it. World of wool is probably your best bet.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I got this specific wool from here. I'm lucky to live in Australia where Merino are just about everywhere, so I get some wool from here too. But that one is quite local.

World of wool is by far the biggest and the cheapest option for finding wool though. Even with the shipping included. Plus, it's the only place I could find Angora at a price that didn't make me want to die.

Weirdly enough, there's a LOT of fleece on the Facebook marketplace, just more unprocessed. That might be an option with a lot more work involved if you're up to it.

Also, a good place to look is wool and sheep shows. Iirc, there was one in Maryland not too long ago. They generally pop up all around the place though.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I'm with you on Persona 5. My favourite in the series is Persona 2. Plays like complete ass but some of the best writing I've seen in a videogame. So it balances out. Then Persona 3 came out and they changed direction with the games, and... Well, I guess it makes more money and being told you're the best is a lot more fun than the weirdness of early persona.

Weirdly enough, I could never get into Stardew Valley. Whenever I play it, the path to complete optimisation is just so annoyingly clear. Something ALWAYS needs to be done to be optimal. So I always feel like I'm not doing it right or I'm falling behind. My personality just does not work with Stardew Valley even if I really truly want it to.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Man, you should call these community announcements beehaw yeehaws. I think that'd be neat and funny.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

What? You don't hear a one to one recreation of cracking 5 glowsticks in your hand when you jerk off?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Ha! Tell me about it. I got into spinning and I can hardly stop myself. I'm looking down the barrel of dying my own wool now with local trees and 3d printing myself a rigid heddle loom. Fibre arts truly desire your entire soul once you get into it.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Oh I'm broke and got a needle, thread, and a complete unwillingness to throw out my pants. Good to know about new singer machines though, I've been thinking about learning how to sew.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I agree with this whole heartedly. I think the issue, remote or at work, comes down to the fact that it isn't the workers making the choice, but their boss. For me, I don't do tech work, so I have to go into work because I'm legitimately doing work with my hands. And I like it that way. I know that if I had to work from home, I would become miserable QUICK. That's just my personality.

But the choice is made from up high, from people who don't give two shits about the workers. As with all things.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I cannot recommend it enough. It's a metroidvania and exploring for all the cool monsters is so much fun. It's cheap and indie too, and gets genuinely tough right near the end. But it tests your ability to team build, rather than to just grind. New monsters will basically be at the level of your current squad, regardless of where you got them.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Exactly my point. The first pokemon games you play generally feel so much more exciting because of the novelty of the world. Exploring the world, finding cool little secrets, it's genuinely fun that first time round.

For all the complaints about Pokemon tutorials, they are a minority of the actual issues. But a good representation of the fact that Pokemon refuses to break "tradition". Think about the world design of Pokemon. Like, genuinely think and compare each of the maps and regions. And they'll honestly start to blend together. Even Alola, which imo had the best designed world, aesthetically, blends in to the rest of the world.

And the issue is, when they DO break the mold. It's fucking fantastic. Area Zero, the Megalopolis from Su/Mo, the Distortion World. All fantastic zones that are relegated to the 11th hour and then barely brought up again.

Once you've explored one Pokemon game, you've probably explored them all. And that's pretty egregious considering the main draw of Pokemon is exploration.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

I was only on forums as a little kid myself. Trust me, I'm Very Young, I was just good with computers young. But the notifications, small scale, it gave me a little tickle that I hadn't felt since those silly days of logging onto Pokemon forums as a kid.

I've never been super active on Reddit myself. Hell, I've probably written more comments on here in the past day or two than I did over a few years on Reddit. So I can't accurately describe the culture change to you. I'm sure there's plenty of older folk who would be able to tell you though.

But it's something I haven't felt for a while, and something I had forgotten myself. Where social media is... An active choice? On Reddit, it was easy to be entirely passive. Just scroll and scroll. And really, it wasn't even making me happy. It was just engagement for the sake of being engaged. But if I'm on a smaller forum I love talking with people! Sharing these experiences. Also, yay for having forum tools again!! I missed being able to post pictures in comments.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago

Honestly yeah, that's a much more accurate and eloquent way of describing how I felt. Thank you.

I suppose it's just... Nice to see actual conversation. If someone is trying to be funny, they're actually trying, not pulling on some dead horse one liner.

I feel like that has meaning. Genuine meaning. It's something I didn't feel with the endless barrage of Reddit.

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