
joined 11 months ago
[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I'm interested in seeing an answer to this, too.

For terpenes, please try Ajwain seeds. or pine-needles.

I prefer pine-needles: the ajwain seeds are just too strong.

_ /\ _

Oh, maybe search PubMed for the specific plants you're considering?

That might provide some medical research papers..

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

It's simple:

Beat the population into learned-helplessness,

& then all the AI molestingware that the device can run, can be running in it.


It's just a conditioning-step, is all.

The profit is in having the population not have any privacy left, & living only within the neuromarketing-platforms that the mainstream operating-systems are becoming.

It's just a step in the suckerpunching humankind, is all.

_ /\ _

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I'm of a kind of Vajrayana ( Tibetan AwakeSoulism/Buddhism ) which apparently died-out centuries ago.

( I've earned Soul/CellOfGod/Continuum memories from previous lives, in meditation: only 1 of those previous incarnations was human, the rest were mostly insects, like a hornet/bee/wasp probably in central Africa who saw a few humans )

it's abstract.

All material-forms, all rituals, etc, are misleading, fundamentally.

OceanOfAllAwakeSouls/Brahman/G-D/EmitterOfUnconsciousSouls hasn't any form.

The old testament had something on that: "commandment that no-one ever mistake any form for G-D".

Carlos Castaneda's guru "Juan Matus" spoke of the real Universe being abstract.

Basically, it's Science/Engineering of one's Continuum's future-condition.

Want to be crushed under suffering more? Then crush others under suffering, & wait for the action->reaction, of the meanings emitted by one's continuum eventually are forced back into one's continuum.

Want to be liberated from reincarnation/Universe's-recycling & all the perpetual cycle-of-birth-life-sickness-injury-death-bardo...birth..?

THEN all one has to do, is earn shedding SurfaceMind/ego duality ( which Castaneda's tradition called "Crossing Over" & Buddhism calls realizing of Zen: same thing: ego-annihilation ), so only the 2 more-fundamental minds still are in-play,

then earn the dissolution of one's LifeMind, which is our unconscious & our dreaming-mind, but it can be made fully conscious & capable..

Earning the dissolution of that leaves only the Soul/Continuum/3rdAttention ( as Castaneda's tradition called it ).

Once that's done, then one only has to purify it enough so that not-only is it free from Universe's containment/perpetual-recycling, but it eventually gets from inside Universe to outside ( which is Enlightenment: dissolution into OceanOfAllAwakeSouls/GreatSpirit/Brahman/G-D/etc )

There are 3 kinds of mind which obliterator-force can't understand, from our perspective:

  • Wisdom-seeing-through-phenomena's-lack-of-inherent-nature
  • Faithing ( surrendering-to, relying-on, & being gratitude-for, LivingSpirit, one's BuddhaNature, or other LivingInfinity/SoulGuru )
  • Bodhichitta ( immeasurable compassion for all sentiences, incapable of insecurity. It's what Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph meant when he said "be born in spirit", as NOTHING else comes close to that sentience. I experienced it only for 1-1.5seconds, some years ago )

Anyways, it's all self-evolution, eradication-of-the-ego/self, sublimation-from-ignorant-matter-to-pure-spirit, & that kind of thing..

Just providing this for a bit of perspective: most assumption-rivers/religions don't hold that there is some mathematical-form/judo required for a someone to get from their current-condition to their desired improved-condition, but that's essentially how mine works.

Current condition, desired condition, what is the geometry-of-intent which produces the alteration-of-one's-unconscious-mind that one wants..

_ /\ _

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

He understands.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

So, East Germany, basically, with tech.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

I'm suggesting you invest in reading a book on called "Algebra-Driven Design".

the reason I'm suggesting it is that the complex-requirements you're being persecuted-by, are exactly the sort of thing that that book can help with.

( I'm presuming you code )

By creating the domain's algebra, & using meta-programming, you can prevent whole categories of bugs.

I only got part-way into the book ( I'm braindamaged, & have beenfailing to learn programming since the 1980's, when I lost 1/10th of my brain-volume ), but being able to create an APi with ZERO bugs in it, is part of what I'd seen in that book.

I'm a huge believer in keeping requirements divided into dimensions, & keeping those dimensions orthogonal, because once you fail in doing that, you're fscking doomed.

Here: got the link for you:

_ /\ _

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Isn't BeeHaw a virtual 3rd-Place??

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

To the best of my knowledge, back-propagation IS learning, whether it's happening in a neural-net on a chip, or whether we're doing it, through feedback, & altering our understanding ( so both hard-logic & our wetware use the method for learning, though we use a rather sloppy implimentation of it. )

& altering the relative-significances of concepts IS learning.

( I'm not commenting on whether the new-relation-between-those-concepts is wrong or right, only on the mechanism )

so, I can't understand your position.

Please don't deem my comment worthy of answering: I'm only putting this here for the record, is all.

Everybody can downvote my comment into oblivion, & everything in the world'll still be fine.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You don't have to do ANYthing in order to have copyright on your images.

That is standard throughout the Berne convention & has been for decades.

Registering makes court-cases easier to win, but having copyright on one's renditions isn't in any way requiring that one have registered anything with anybody.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

Wasn't there a competitor named Mattermost?

a FLOSS competitor?

[–] 0 points 5 months ago (2 children)

it demands that I log in, to view the post??

[–] 1 points 5 months ago


Absolutely stupendous quantities of high-quality, full-spectrum light.

Live in a light-box.

There is a circuit which goes from pigmented-ganglia ( black-pigmented nerve-endings ) in our retinas, into our brains.

That sensor-system is rather dull, unlike the rods & cones.

Rig a room's light-switch so that when you flick it, suddenly you're saturated in sufficient light to cross your light-threshold, about 1/2 second later, it's like vital aliveness kicked into your brain.

I've replicated the experiment, and I've gotten others to do it, too.

One non-obvious thing, though:

Because when we're in the dark, we can't remember what it felt-like to have that light-brain circuit activated ( the SAD-treatment lights are intended to cross this threshold: it's the same mechanism ), so therefore, to treat profound, long-term depression, you NEED to get tons of lights onto a timer, & use that as your "alarm clock".

It works.

It'd save many lives, if doctors would admit it is actual, evidence-based medicine, but that'd gut billions of dollars of psychiatric-industry, so .. that won't ever happen.

( dad was a medical-researcher & doctor: I remember the grudge/hatred when the Australian researcher violated psychiatry's established "ulcers are a psychiatric illness" dogma, with evidence showing that ulcers are created by pylorii bacteria.

Paychiatry won't ever do the experiment, they won't admit it works, they won't tolerate anybody claiming it works, etc.

Religion is religion, and my autistic-empiricism has no validity in their reality.

Do the experiment, though, & you'll see that it actually tests to be true. )

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