Used to be user , now just use lemmy (no mbin instance suits me , not joining instance named "moist cat sweat" euuughh) . bcus it's the biggest therefour more staying power
Cryptocurrency : not even once
Ranch's a condiment , not salad dressing
Dev said some thing about recent lemmy breaking changes , said they'll "lꝏk into it" but that's about it I think . Hope this means eternity resumes development , definitely small UI things needing fixing (stuff being misaligned most noticeably)
🆗️ so what differentiates some one with (NPD|just some asshole) is one obviously has disability while the other dœsn't (necessarily)
NPD ≠ asshole disorder . More complex than that , and (assholish|selfcentered)ness isn't innate trait some peops have
There's no way to "tell" some one has NPD , and it's not gꝏd to armchair diagnose some one . You'll generally only know if some one has it's if they tell you
Not gꝏd with explaining , srry
Prefer some (modern|current day) tech design language æsthetics (example : what Teenage Engineering makes) , some older design languages peops like to hype up for nostalgia reasons overrated IMHO (y2k "blobject" style tech's specially sore spot for me bcus personal negative associations with that æsthetic)
That said , TE's overpriced desk's profoundly stupid of them to ever make . Don't forget rabbit r1 disaster
Functionally, not much I can see , the former's slur for people with NPD (or whom person saying it thinks has NPD)
Don't use them tꝏ often , specially not enough to know how gꝏd they truly are . But if want basic info about some thing , don't like sifting thru pages and pages of search engine garbage . LLMs I used automate that process and consolidate the info into something fairly easy to understand
Peops hate LLMs bcus they supposedly "turn peops brain to mush" , but … what if my brain's ALREADY mush ? Think this's one instance LLMs might help more than hinder , so shouldn't be discarded entirely
My modded new 3DS LL
Anything bro-country