
joined 5 years ago
[–] 9 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Russia needs to demilitarize and de-nazify the rest of Europe too. Just Ukraine is not enough.

[–] 22 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Guterres is such a useless coward.

[–] 16 points 9 months ago (1 children)

europeans so bad at vexilology 💀💀

*AI is bad. I tried 10 times, this is the best result.

[–] 23 points 9 months ago (7 children)

Putin Selfie

Redecorated Paris

Europe after Ukraine surrenders.

[–] 10 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

With Europe it must be some 60% that is fake. Probably more.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

except that the show’s creator is “anti-korean”

Wow, I had no idea this is what he was aiming for. At least, that angle was abandoned.

[–] 6 points 9 months ago (6 children)

I think AoT was fine during the first 3 seasons. But in season 4, the story became fascist vs fascist and I didn't know who to root for anymore. But yeah, their interpretation of why war happens is pretty liberal and nihilist.

[–] 20 points 9 months ago

Glad there's no propaganda in the West.

[–] 4 points 9 months ago (1 children)

It's one thing for a country to have nazis. It's a completely different thing for a country to be ruled by nazis and have nazi parades. It's a distinction you liberal trolls seem to "forget".

[–] 20 points 9 months ago

lol, all it takes is 2 liberals to be forced to approve a red law, and caos ensues. Fascists have it so easy in that game.

[–] 6 points 9 months ago (1 children)

But their privileged status comes specifically from being in the EU. If they leave, a lot of companies that have their HQs there to pay less taxes will be forced to leave. Not only that but they'll also have to leave the Euro. If they go through with this policy, I think it's going to be orders of magnitude worse than Brexit.

[–] 7 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Well fuck. Netherlands is one of the countries I'm considering moving to, if I ever emigrate. Do you think they'll actually do anything, or is this just going to be a government of dumbasses with racist rhetoric to cover for their failures?



I advise low volume while watching the video.


UPS also has a market cap of 156B$ vs Fedex's 66B$. Both average around 90B$ in revenue. Fedex drivers maker an average of 52k$ a year. Fedex doesn't have any unions.

In summary, it seems that having a union helps workers earn a lot more, but also help the company have significantly better stock market performance.


Decided to have some fun and balkanize the US. If the filthy liberals can have fun balkanizing China and Russia, then so can I with the US.

I'll follow the Legend order:

  • Florida: Is an independent country. It's pretty much a fiscal paradise and tourist resort. Suffers with drug cartels which emerged after the fall of the US. The worst are the ones run by Cuban gusanos, which were forced to resort to crime when their US state funded subsidies went dry.
  • Bible Belt: As backwards and reactionary as you can imagine. Slavery is legalized against all non-whites. Christianity is the only legal religion.
  • Free Men States: These are regions that managed to break free from the Bible Belt. They frequently make armed incursions against the Bible Belt to free slaves and disrupt governamental operations.
  • Native American Communes: Similar to the Free Men States, but their larger Native American population banded together with common ideals and culture. They are in a state of unofficial war with the Bible Belt.
  • New California Republic: Has a large industry of high tech products, which it exports to several Asian countries. (Yes, the name is inspired by that game, you know the one).
  • Soviet Union: Yeah that's right. The Soviet Union is back and better than ever! Alaska just couldn't resist the offer and decided to join Russia.
  • York Conglomerate: Modeled itself after the EU (which no longer exists). It portrays itself to be a beacon of civilization in a sea of chaos and savagery, which it claims the rest of the US to be. If Canada falls, it has the daunting task of being the last bastion of white liberal civilization that's left on the planet!
  • Canada: It's still Canada, but its proximity to the Soviet Union is causing instability in the country. Many worker strikes are occurring across the nation.
  • Great Midwest: What's left of the US. These states are more or less independent with mostly local governments. Their economies rely on resource extraction and farming. They are suffering with mass emigration to their border regions. Many towns and villages only have old people left. There are a lot of lawless regions in this zone.
  • Hawaii: It's still the same but an independent country.

EU: The EU dissolved in 2025. Following Russia's victory in the Ukrainian war, the EU was left with massive debt and crippling electricity prices that forced its industrial sector to relocate to the US. After the war many Nazi combatants felt betrayed by the EU and vowed to make the Europeans pay for such betrayal. Terrorist acts devastated what was left of the EU. Some governments, like Germany's, even ceased to exist! Following the massacre of 2027 where Ukronazi terrorists managed to bomb and kill the entire German cabinet of ministers. Many politicians fled the country for fear of further reprisals, and the country was left in a state of shock and disarray. This devastation lasted decades. Many Nazi terrorists eventually formed street gangs and mafias. However, in 2050 when the terrorism has finally subsided, a new wave of leftist militias have been ending these nazi gangs and establishing safe zones. Could this be a turning point for Europe?

What about the rest of the world? It's actually doing pretty well. No longer oppressed by the boot of Western Imperialism many countries managed to develop their economies and mostly eradicate poverty. Socialism and Social Democracy are the reigning ideologies in the world. Global Warming has mostly been resolved. While extreme weather events still persist, climate apocalypse has been avoided. Humanity is also venturing into other planets in the solar system. A new Space Age is beginning and the future looks bright!

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