Noone would ever doubt that he loves himself.
What we need is a Pearl harbour. Something so outrageous that trump will be forced to act against Russia.
Maybe they should have foreseen a situation where evil and immoral people were allowed and even encouraged to succeed in any sphere of power, whether politics, religion or business. Its actually society which is sick and not just politics.
Welp. This kind of makes sense. He's hard to read because he's obviously stupid but he isn't only doing obvious stupid things, so that reading meaning into his words and actions feels like reading tea leaves. I think he's kind of like a dumb, reactive bull and his handlers are goading him and corralling him into breaking only the things they want broken, or leaving him occupied with what they don't care about.
Sorry, I know it's unfair but trump is the responsibility of american society and american people. It's down to Americans to stop him, preferably before he unleashes war on the rest of us. It also needs to happen sooner rather than later, as it will only get harder to get them out.
I've got an idea. Aside from marching etc - Every sane person go outside and bang a pot at 8pm -- every evening. This is a safer way to protest, not too inconvenient but its loud, noticeable and gets reported in the news.
What. The. Fuck. He's throwing all his toys out of the pram to get the minerals. That's all this is. He's a toddler screaming himself purple, being dragged out of the store.
I guess they're right about that. They're feeling tough now but I doubt the US will like to lose the perks of being our daddy. If this shit continues I'd stop sharing Intel, remove US bases from Europe, make new treaties (including nuclear) covering Europe's allies and trading partners and give the US the freeze until a sane administration is in power and they can keep their house in order. This is actually a positive since the west has been complacent. No more involvement in shitty US conflicts has to be a bonus. You know, in Europe we haven't been at war for almost the whole of our history like the US. We grew out of that long ago and only followed our ally the US into their asshole conflicts. They did enough good in the world that the evil was kinda balanced at least. Yeah, that's over.
I know someone in England who had a stroke and then got into the sovereign citizen thing, flat earth etc. Sane professional prior to the stroke.
Another person I knew who was into it was later diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic.
It's obvious that these things are at least borderline mental illness, as is trumpism.
We don't negotiate with terrorists
They're waiting to see what the fallout looks like, and trying to get better terms, or whatever they're strong arming Canada and Mexico to get. I hope Canada and Mexico divest from us trade entirely and do not reward this behaviour at all or it will get worse.
Sovereign citizens and trumpers must have a lot of overlap since they're both delusional.
I believe that will be god showing his judgement of the american administration /s but really