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[–] 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I'm sorry; AI was trained on the sole sum of human knowledge.. if the perfect human being is by nature some variant of a psychopath, then perhaps the bias exists in the training data, and not the machine?

How can we create a perfect, moral human being out of the soup we currently have? I personally think it's a miracle that sociopathy is the lowest of the neurological disorders our thinking machines have developed.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

You were right

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago

Convinced a long distance friend to change their major from Acupuncture to Computer Science before they ruined their life.

They're doing better than I am, now.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

That seems to require a level of foresight and planning that most corporations don't have. That's almost like a blueprint for failure when some middle manager changes the scope of a project with a hard coded time limit, IMO.

Anyone interested in not-agile development? Maybe we can call it "Ship it when it's ready" lol

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Ancient developer here / not really a coder, but what the hell is "Agile" software development?

Is it some kind of pseudonym for pushing buggy, untested code to a production server or something?

Like a speed run category for software development?

[–] 18 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

I'm an AI Developer.


Getting ROCM to work properly is like herding cats.

You need a custom implementation for the specific operating system, the driver version must be locked and compatible, especially with a Workstation / WRX card, the Pro drivers are especially prone to breaking, you need the specific dependencies to be compiled for your variant of HIPBlas, or zLUDA, if that doesn't work, you need ONNX transition graphs, but then find out PyTorch doesn't support ONNX unless it's 1.2.0 which breaks another dependency of X-Transformers, which then breaks because the version of HIPBlas is incompatible with that older version of Python and ..


And THEN MAYBE it'll work at 85% of the speed of CUDA. If it doesn't crash first due to an arbitrary error such as CUDA_UNIMPEMENTED_FUNCTION_HALF

You get the picture. On Nvidia, it's click, open, CUDA working? Yes?, done. You don't spend 120 hours fucking around and recompiling for your specific usecase.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

Haha, I wish -- they call it the hour record for a reason!

I've got explosive short-term speed, but it doesn't last, and I get dropped within 20 minutes, as my power output dips below the optimized pros who can do 400W constantly for entire Tour stages.

I appreciate the comment though!

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (2 children)

It's a really good business idea that I've had more than once -- a self sustaining "green gym".

Members would leave their electronic devices in special hardened lockers, plug them in, and then go to work out, and the power from central battery bank would then charge everything that's in the lockers.

I also had an idea for credit system where the more power you generated the cheaper your monthly bill/subscription would be for the gym (only a few bucks here and there), or some kind of perks, like a free t-shirt once a year if you generated over 1 MWh (1000 kWh) or whatever.

The power generated by such a place would probably be negligible but it would give people the same emotional high as other pro-social tasks.

[–] 75 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (14 children)

TLDR: It's a great concept but it's about 100× more exhausting than you imagine.

I absolutely love stuff like this, and I also love cycling.

However, there is a big caveat here: I've been cycling for years and know my own power output:

Output -- Time Window -- Heart Rate

  • 1400 W* | 60 seconds | 208 bpm
  • 385 W | 20 minutes | 162 bpm
  • 148 W | 6 hours | 110 bpm

*(yes, I know. My thighs are larger than some people's torsos and it scares me too)

That means that on average, around 13 and ½ hours of pedalling to charge this thing. (2 KWh is also worth $0.68¢ where I live at standard residential rates).

Humans are not great at converting their physical and thermal energy into kinetic or electrical (20-24% for most bodies).

Pedal power is amazing for things like charging phones or powering small devices and computers though, or for something completely meta: Charging up a eBike or electric scooter (120W), to then use without pedalling later.

Which then begs the question -- if our "human/person power output" is like 150 watts constant .. and the sun provides 1.4 kW/m² of energy -- why not just lay down a 150W photovoltaic solar panel ($89) in the sun and sip on some unsweetened iced tea instead?

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

I remember some interview with Warren where they were talking about the idea for the game and it was like "What if it was every single conspiracy theory, but they were all true?"

Well it turns out that makes for a pretty compelling story but also far too many of those ended up coming true, lol

[–] 39 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

I had something like this happen at a corp I once worked at. The CTO said they were going to outsource their entire datacenter and support staff to India.

I literally laughed in his face and obviously, got fired (always have 6-8 months of salary as an emergency fund, ahem-).

I won't name the company but when half the Internet went down and a few major services? Yeah, it was that asshat driving and running between the datacenters realizing people in Bangladesh can't do shit for you physically.

It's like that graph: "Say we want to fuck around at a level 8, we follow this axis, and we're going to find out at around a level 7 or 8"

[–] 10 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I'm somewhat partial to the Telvanni Mushroom kingdom (the idea of, hey, here's an acorn, go GROW your house) but Balmora has always held a special piece in my heart for being the first "big city" I've felt in a video game.

The transition to the Ashland and seeing a different biome entirely / grasslands / plains was also pretty incredible.

Ald'ruhn's Capitol was also novel in design with the redundant rope bridges built on the inside of the shell of a gigantic upturned horseshoe crab.

Vivec's cool but it's only possible because of a demi-god's literal meddling around with the terrain, and it's too easy to get lost.

Caldera's also nice, as well as Pelagiad.

I know I just named like ten places but Morrowind's got a lot of diversity and biomes.

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