
joined 2 years ago
[–] 18 points 7 months ago

Because these guys are fucking pussies and can only go after defenseless women.

[–] 32 points 7 months ago

His entire plan seemed to be to bait her into saying something pro-russian or otherwise racist so he could push the "Russians are naturally evil" angle. You can tell from his tweets that he is livid that it didn't work.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

You wanna know how we can be certain that the claims of genocide in South Africa are fabricated? Because if there really was a population of whites being slaughtered by Africans, the West would've intervened immediately.

[–] 56 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Assuming he's not lying about any of this, this guy sounds like a genuine lunatic. So he spent roughly an hour throwing a temper tantrum and showing people videos of drone strikes until it got to the point that they had to ask him to leave. Now he's getting his internet buddies to review bomb the place as if he's the victim

[–] 44 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Used to be that threatening to kill people was a crime, but here we are.

[–] 51 points 7 months ago (3 children)

I hate these pieces of shit so much. If they could, they'd shoot Russians and "traitor Ukranians" on sight because they can't fucking stand that they even exist.

It's the way that he's clearly deranged but still thinks he's the hero of the situation that gets me.

[–] 15 points 7 months ago

They only have a handful of accusations, so there's a lot of recycling.

[–] 6 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Happy Birthday

[–] 18 points 7 months ago

Anti-Communists only ever rear their heads about the West when a leftist wants to improve society somewhat.

[–] 21 points 7 months ago (1 children)

They talk as if it's the Israelis who have been getting killed by the thousands, kidnapped and shot in their homes these last few months.

[–] 9 points 7 months ago

"Russians have no concept of love and compassion and they treat everyone terribly." - Definitely not the schizophrenic thoughts of a genocidal racist.

[–] 5 points 7 months ago

It got so bad they started the SAPR program to give the appearance that something is being done. Granted, I'm not sure how effective it is but I know that they often confuse weirdos with no social skills with sexual predators.


Isn't it interesting how libs and cons are both fine with the romantic idea of revolution until someone actually seriously suggests doing something drastic? Y'know, in minecraft?


I can guarantee you that a lot of people "give a fuck"

This level of gaslighting is insane.


I was looking for a certain textbook for my class and then I saw that the place I normally go was out. How can that be? It's not a physical thing you're giving me, it's 1s and 0s. I sure hope there's a way I can blame the capitalists for this.


cross-posted from:

From claiming that sending aid to Syria is wrong because it'll mean Assad will become more powerful, to openly bragging about his brand new Nazi flag fresh from Ukraine, most recently, he's also decided to threaten the American people over the matter of wrongthink. If you didn't support Ukraine, you will be "held accountable." For what, who can say, but it kinda sounds like he wants to shoot us in the head.

This guy's a government employee and happily saying this shit. I'm a bit concerned.


Evidently the Bakmuht campaign is not going well. I say allegedly because, as usual, the sources of this are pretty shaky. Hopefully it's not true because this is a major escalation otherwise. Like point-of-no-return level.


"Russia loves Nazis!" you cry

And then you have to twist yourself into a pretzel to explain how that would make any sense if they claim to be going into Ukraine to denazify.


Remember kids: Even being from a certain country means you're complicit in "genocide."


Pretty much every day I see conservatives desperately trying to blame those guys for everything going wrong in their putrid way of life and frankly I don't really get it. You can't even look them up reliably because every article on the subject is deepfried in paranoid Mccarthy style doomsday talk. I will admit that that particular group comes off as a bit ominous but all the NWO shit is the same deflective nonsense it's always been: This pathological need for a villain to make all the complex problems facing our society make sense. If it's not Klaus Schwab, it's Soros, or Clinton or lizard people.

So yeah, what do actual socialists think of all this? And please spare no detail, I'm in the mood to read.


Particuarly Russian civillians and "collaborators"


How fucking deep does this go?

I know I sound like an r/conspiracy poster but this is absolutely insane. Even the Pope is telling everyone to send all they can to Ukraine. No other charity, no other warzone, JUST Ukraine. The same Ukraine that just outlawed Orthodox Christianity and suddenly has Neo-Nazi rituals and witches all over their social media. This is a scheme, there's no other explanation, this is a massive money laundering operation. If a person can't see that at this point, they're beyond help.

Maybe the US finally ran out of free money to give and that's why it's being called "donations" now instead of lethal aid or humanitarian assistance.


There's a YouTuber I used to watch, CinnamonToastKen. It was pretty good, family friendly fun of him and his buddy just making fun of reality shows and stuff. One of those shows was this TLC thing called "G*psy Brides", which is about Romani people acting like rednecks and that being funny for some reason. It was at this point, that I began to realize that neither Ken nor any of the commenters realized that the G word is a genuine slur. That wasn't the dealbreaker though, that came later when he said in an aside during a video that he was told by someone that it was, indeed, an ethnic slur.

So Ken's response to this was bewilderment and his immediate assumption was that this wasn't a real thing and just another instance of "people being offended for others." So he decided to ask his community if it was really a slur and to leave an explanation in the comments. Because, y'know, that's somehow easier than just googling it. He ended up hearting a comment that gave a childish oversimplification of the issue that ultimately said "Some people feel that way but most don't care"

To this day I feel disgusted that instead of taking the L about his accidental racism, he just assumed it was a made up issue and then chose the one comment that protrayed it as some trivial thing. I guess I should've known he wasn't on the up and up when half his videos were collabs with Pewdiepie.


If you have to completely black out all opinions to the contrary, you're not a free speech platform.

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