
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Why is beehaw going it's own way? I mean I kinda understand that lemmygrad might have a different world view, but why the rest?

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The trash will still escape Reddit. As evidenced by my being here :)


I've never really used tiktok, but with Reddit shitting the bed it's time to expand my horizons and create a social media "mix"

So yesterday I'm watching tiktok for pretty much the first time having a real go at it, and I noticed when I'm scrolling the videos are all kinda meh, then I click back (to exit on android) and I get a "decent" one, so I hang around and watch it, then scrolling more meh, back, decent video. Is this a thing? I ended up just clicking back to game the system, if I really liked the video I would reward tiktok with a scroll, if it gives me a shit video, back again.

Am I nuts?

Even is Lemmy isn't right, why not have a look around and see if you can replace Reddit with something else, even if it's a mix of stuff.

This is the beginning of the enshittification of Reddit - it's no longer about providing a good user experience, it's about providing a good corporate experience. This means that the content will get worse and worse , and less and less relevant. Stage 3 is where Reddit fucks over the advertisers and starts making bank, and shortly after that with no users and no corporate support it starts to implode..

And then you will need to move off the platform.

Or - you could move off now. Lemmy is ok, the best for chatting. I've been using Imgur for memes but miss NSFW content, and Lemmy is also very NSFW unfriendly. So for me right now it's a bit of a mix.

I'm working on my own content aggregator with the features of Reddit, but in the end it's just for me if nobody gives a damn and that's ok

So far I've moved to Imgur for my doom scrolling, Lemmy for some basic chat, my local news app for the news and if I need a dose of reality. For nice interest groups there is Facebook, but it's not as good. Haven't searched hard for that yet

So far that seems to have largely replaced Reddit.

I got into a convo on Imgur with someone who was just going to go back after the blackout and I was like "nah this is your chance. It's also the moment that Reddit falls apart" they were like nah yeah nah. This post right here proves I was right.

Anyway, it's a lot of work visiting all these sources so I think I might just make my own personal link aggregator

[–] 10 points 1 year ago

Nah people will find it. Right now it should be just about growth and then let it specialise from there

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm getting the following error reading this post: "item at index 2 does not exist"

Should I post this on stack overflow or some other Lemmy help community?

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

After trying jerboa I ended up going this route. I keep getting server errors using the pwa though not sure if just can't handle the traffic or I'm doing something wrong

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Agree on the pick a server ... And then approval!

I had almost forgotten about it but I'm glad I came back.

I think maybe the ability to just join a generic starting point and then port your account when you find where you want to be might be a better model, but that will remain to be seen

That was my first thought as well but again I don't use it

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hey @nutomic, so I ended up creating a pixelfed account after looking at what all if this is about and posting there... Since it does both videos and photos and also I got in immediately but still waiting for a peertube account to be approved.

Anyway so I direct linked the MP4 over on ! and there is no preview or indication it's a video. Is there a better way to link them for user engagement? The images show up just fine


I'm making a community with a bunch of archived photos and videos I have of cats getting pulled along in shoeboxes in a train like formation - I'm calling it CatTrain.

Anyway typically I would host it on Reddit any they would come from v.reddit (after Imgur got all pissy) but I want to avoid using Reddits backend after they also decided to change direction.

What does everyone recommend?


I'm thinking mobile but keeping the options open

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